FST-7 is a training principle created by Hany Rambod, the Pro Creator. He has been using this training principle for many years exclusively with his clients to create physiques that win.

FST-7 is a training system I devised after years of research and a great deal of trial and error with many clients. FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training, and the seven refers to the seven sets performed for the final exercise of a target bodypart. I have had many clients use this system for overall growth and especially to improve stubborn bodyparts that were seemingly resistant to just about anything else the person had tried.

FST-7 encompasses several factors both inside and outside the gym.

Is fascia limiting your muscle growth?There are three types of fascia in the human body, but the type bodybuilders should be concerned about is deep fascia. This is dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much extensibility and resiliency it will have. In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and tougher than others. The most genetically blessed bodybuilders have thinner fascia, which is why their muscle bellies appear to be larger and fuller, with that round ‘bubbly’ look that all bodybuilders covet. Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath would be two prime examples of individuals blessed with thin fascia. Their muscles expand easier. Think of it in terms of it being easier to blow up a balloon as opposed to one of those water bottles that strongmen like Franco Columbu used to.

FST-7 Training DVD feat Hany Rambod & Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler and Nasser El-Sonbatty are two men that clearly have thicker fascia.

This didn’t prevent them from building substantial muscle mass, obviously, but neither man ever had that round ‘Marvel Comics’ appearance to their muscles. Yet the average bodybuilder has thicker fascia than either of those two champions. In an effort to expand their fascia and allow growth to occur, some have turned to Synthol and other items that are injected deep into the muscle belly. There have even been some advisors, mainly online, that make it seem as if this is the only solution and must be done. They will also try and insist that all the pro’s use Synthol and site inject, which I can assure you is not true. Synthol and related products are foreign substances, and you can never be certain how they will metabolize in the body. We are starting to see various health issues with bodybuilders that are more than likely related to site injecting. Yes, you do need to stretch the muscle fascia to experience optimal growth, but that is not the way to do it.

All stretching is not the sameI am not the first person to recognize the importance of stretching the muscle fascia. First John Parrillo, then more recently Dante Trudel of DC Training fame, incorporate aggressive stretching during workouts as part of their training programs. They had the right idea, but stretching the fascia by elongating the muscle is not the best method. FST-7 is based on stretching the muscle from the inside out by volumizing it. This is accomplished by getting the greatest pump possible while training.

One thing I don’t want anyone misconstruing is that FST-7 is all about pumping. That’s just one component. I also believe that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, and you absolutely must train with heavier weights in the 8-12 rep range. I have tried many variations of heavier and lighter training with clients over the years, and discovered that both types are needed. Heavy weights will build thickness and density, but they will not give you that round, full look. Similarly, getting incredible pumps all the time can impart some of that roundness, but you won’t ever get extreme muscle size without training with heavy straight sets. So you need to focus equally on maximizing both your strength and your pump in the same workouts to see optimal results. Here’s an example of a biceps workout, FST-7 style, that shows you how to incorporate both:

Bicep Workout Example
  • Alternate dumbbell curls 3-4 x 8-12
  • Machine preacher curl 3 x 8-12
  • EZ-bar curl 7 x 8-12 (rest 30-45 seconds between sets while sipping water )

I don’t typically like to use very high reps, because too often you will experience general fatigue and get short of breath before you have built the maximum pump in the muscle. I also don’t like the weight to be too heavy and limit the reps any lower than eight, because this is when you see form breaking down and ancillary muscles kicking in and robbing the target muscle of the proper stimulation. You can think of the ‘7′ set as blowing up a balloon. We keep the rest periods fairly short, because as you pump up the muscle, a little blood escapes in that time. You can think of it as blowing up a balloon with a slight leak in it – even though the balloon is being inflated, some air is escaping. The key is to build on the pump sets by set, exponentially, so that it reaches its maximum state by the final set. If the rest periods were too short, you wouldn’t have enough energy to do justice to the seven sets. Another question I often get is, should the weight be constant as the seven sets go on? It can be, but it’s perfectly fine to reduce the weight one or two times as needed to stay in the proper rep range. There may also be times when you need to increase the weight, but this happens less often.

How often can I train bodyparts this way?
Generally speaking, this type of training is too traumatic on the larger muscle groups to use more than once a week. Due to the sheer volume of muscle cells, soreness tends to linger too long to allow for more frequent workouts.

For instance, Phil Heath recently completed a back workout and was sore for four days. Since he is supposed to be training back and chest twice a week in preparation for the Arnold Classic, this threw him off his schedule somewhat. The higher than normal amount of microscopic tears in the muscle caused by FST-7 training necessitates a bit more recovery time than standard training protocols. However, smaller bodyparts like arms and calves certainly can and should be trained twice a week. This gives you twice as many opportunities to stretch the fascia in what are often exceedingly stubborn bodyparts. Here’s a sample split that displays how you could arrange this:

  • Day one: Biceps and triceps, calves
  • Day two: Legs
  • Day three: OFF
  • Day four: Chest and triceps
  • Day five: Back and calves
  • Day six: Shoulders and biceps
  • Day seven: OFF
This is a split geared toward someone with the goal of improving stubborn arms. There are many other variations depending on what the individual’s goals might be.

Which exercises are best suited to the ‘7′ sets?Certain exercises are more appropriate than others for the ‘7′ sets. The big compound free weight movements like squats and deadlifts usually are poor choices, for two reasons. For one thing, they involve several other muscle groups and don’t do a good job of isolating a target muscle. Also, they require technique and balancing, which tends to break down if one attempts to perform multiple sets in such a short time span. Machines are a good choice in many instances because they keep you in a fixed plane of movement and thus make it easier to isolate a given muscle. Those with selectorized stacks also make it very fast and convenient to increase or decrease the resistance as needed. Here are some suggested movements that I have found work very well:

  • Back width: Machine pullovers (Hammer Strength, Nautilus) or cable pullovers
  • Back thickness: Seated row machines with chest support
  • Chest: Pec deck or peck flye machine*, cable crossovers
I find that the pec decks with the pads for the elbows usually work very well for shorter trainers, while the pec flye machines with handles seem to be better for tall guys. Try both – you will know by the pump and range of motion you achieve which one is a better choice for you.

  • Shoulders: Machine lateral raises with pads – my favorite is made by Bodymasters. Hammer Strength, LifeFitness, and Cybex also produce similar models.
  • Quads: Leg extensions, leg presses
  • Hamstrings: Seated or lying leg curls
  • Biceps: EZ-bar curls, machine curls, cable ‘front double biceps curls’
  • Triceps: Cable pushdowns using rope attachment, Overhead cable extensions, Skull crushers (for advanced trainers)
  • Calves: Standing and seated raises, calf raises using leg press (alternate between these three)

When should I do my ‘7′?

The best time to do your ‘7′ is as the final exercise for a muscle group. You don’t want to do it first, as this would take away from your performance on the heavy straight sets that are also a critical factor in building muscle mass. Finishing off a bodypart with a great pump is something many top bodybuilders have been doing instinctively for years, not knowing that they were expanding their fascia and maximizing growth. It may be tempting to do your pumping sets earlier on if you can’t seem to get any kind of pump going, but I would urge you instead to do something like a set or two of 21′s to get the blood flowing and then proceed with your heavy sets before capping it all off with your ‘7′ set for that bodypart. Remember, ‘7′s’ are done at the conclusion of each bodypart, so if you are working multiple bodyparts in a given workout, you will be doing two or more of these extended pumping sets.

Sample FST-7 (Fascia Stretch Training 7) RoutineTriceps
  • Close-grip bench press 3-4 x 8-12
  • Weighted or machine dip 3 x 8-12
  • Overhead cable extension 7 x 8-12
  • Skull crushers 7 x 8-12
  • Alternate dumbbell curls 3-4 x 8-12
  • Machine preacher curl 3 x 8-12
  • EZ-bar curl 7 x 8-12 (rest 30-45 seconds between sets while sipping water)
  • Leg extensions 3-4 x 8-15
  • Squats 4 x 8-12
  • Hack squat or leg press 3 x 8-15
  • Leg extension or leg press 7 x 8-15
  • Incline dumbbell press 3-4 x 8-12
  • Incline dumbbell flye 3 x 8-12
  • Flat Hammer or dumbbell press 3 x 8-12
  • Pec deck or cable crossover 7 x 8-12
  • Seated dumbbell press 4 x 8-12
  • Barbell or dumbbell front raise 3 x 8-12
  • Dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 8-12
  • Lateral raise machine 7 x 8-12

  • Neutral-grip chin-ups 3 x failure
  • Wide-grip pulldowns 3 x 8-12
  • Barbell row 3 x 8-12
  • Hammer Strength row 3 x 8-12
  • Machine or cable pullover 7 x 8-15
  • Lying leg curls 3-4 x 10-15
  • Stiff-leg deadlift 3-4 x 10-12
  • Single leg curl 3-4 x 10-15 each leg
  • Seated leg curls 7 x 10-15
  • Dumbbell shrugs* 3-4 x 8-12
  • Machine shrugs 7 x 8-12
Proper form consists of leaning head and torso slightly forward and shrugging up to an imaginary point behind your ears – do not roll shoulders. Reps should be done slowly with an emphasis on squeezing the contraction point for a full one-second count.

Rear delts
  • Dumbbell rear lateral raise 3-4 x 12-15
  • Reverse pec flye or cable 7 x 12-15
  • Rear laterals
  • Standing calf raise 4 x 10-12
  • Seated calf raise 4 x 15-20
  • Leg press or calf sled raise 7 x 10-12
IFBB Pro Jay Cutler

NutritionNow we will be explaining how to structure your nutritional intake around your workouts to ensure that your muscles will have all the necessary nutrients to fuel a superior pump, thus stretching out your fascia tissue and permitting growth to occur. Bodypart routines for the rest of your muscle groups will also be provided so that you can get started immediately on your own FST-7 growth experience.

Pre-workout nutrition: Priming the pumpHopefully most of you grasp the importance of solid pre-workout nutrition. This provides the body with all the raw materials it will need to fuel an intense and productive weight training session. I like to see my clients get in a minimum of two solid-food meals containing both lean proteins and complex carbohydrates prior to training. The protein source can be chicken or turkey breast, white fish, or even leaner cuts of red meat such as filet or top sirloin if one is training later in the day. Good carbohydrate sources would be oatmeal, sweet potatoes, or brown rice. These are all slow-burning carbs that will deliver time-released energy, as opposed to fruits and other simple sugars that digest too quickly and can leave you with an insulin crash while training. Equally important to the food intake is adequate hydration. This is particularly applicable to anyone using thermogenic products. Most of these have a diuretic effect, which means you need to take care to drink a bit more water to compensate for the fluid loss. Notice that I said water and not diet soda. Carbonated drinks tend to be too filling and hence you don’t drink enough. A common question I get is, how soon before the workout should my last meal be? Generally speaking, you want your last meal to end about one hour before your workout begins. The exception would be legs. Since heavy leg training is so metabolically demanding, the last meal should be a bit earlier – say ninety minutes. These are just guidelines. If you are the type of person that is starving an hour and a half after a clean meal, you probably don’t ever want to let more than an hour go by from the end of the pre-workout meal to the workout.

If you seem to digest your food more slowly and get nauseous when you eat too close to the workout, adjust your meal timing accordingly. Staying away from high-fat foods or sugary items should help stave off feelings of nausea while training.

During the workoutWhile training, most people will only need plenty of water – roughly a liter. This also depends on your size, how much you tend to sweat while training, and the season. Obviously you need more water in the summer, particularly if you train at a place like MetroFlex Gym that doesn’t believe in air conditioning, or if you work outdoors. You can sip a carb drink or a thermogenic drink if you tend to ‘run out of gas’ while training, but neither takes the place of water. If you choose to have one of these beverages during your workout, you should also have a water bottle and alternate between the two to ensure proper hydration. I can’t emphasize this strongly enough – there is simply no way you can achieve a great pump if you aren’t drinking enough water before and during the workout. As you know, the human body and especially our blood supply is comprised of over seventy percent water, so you need to have a steady supply to stay hydrated.

Post-workout nutritionWithin 15-20 minutes of the end of your workout if not immediately, it’s important to drink a shake to start the re-compensation and recovery process that ultimately leads to muscle growth. There are several different recovery powders I am currently testing with my clients, and I will have the results soon. But in the meantime, you can’t go wrong with a highly bio-available protein source such as whey protein isolate along with a rapidly-assimilated carbohydrate source like dextrose, waxy maize, or maltodextrin. If you are a hardgainer ectomorph type, don’t be afraid to mix two or more carb sources together. You can even add in something like fruit juice for flavor and additional simple carbs. If you are trying to lean out or you are simply a person that gains fat very easily, you will want to take it easy on the amount of carbs in this shake. You still want to always include at least some carbs in this shake, except in the case of the final stages of a pre-contest diet for those that are striving to lose the last vestiges of bodyfat.

1-2 hours laterRoughly an hour or two later, you want to have another solid-food meal that should be similar in composition to the pre-workout meal. For the purpose of better absorption, you want to keep the fat content low, particularly saturated fats. The timing of this meal will depend on the size of your shake as well as your appetite. Obviously you can’t eat until you are hungry again. If you are drinking a large shake that is very filling for you, it might take two hours for your appetite to return substantially enough to allow you to eat a solid meal. Conversely, a lighter shake should digest faster and you should theoretically be ready to eat just an hour later. Also note that there tends to be more bloating and gas associated with lower-quality grades of protein powder. They tend to taste good, but contain large amounts of lactose. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and spring for the good stuff.

A note on sodiumMany bodybuilders have it in their heads that sodium is bad for them and should be avoided. They intentionally remain on very low-sodium diets year-round when the fact of the matter is, you only need to be concerned about sodium intake in the final few days before a contest when you are attempting to shed subcutaneous water. Without proper amounts of dietary sodium, you simply won’t be able to get a pump. Some of you may have experienced this when competing. If you are trying to pump up and haven’t had more than trace amounts of sodium for a couple days, your muscles will be totally flat and unresponsive, even if you are eating carbs and drinking some water. Then, if you go out and have a burger and fries after the judging, your muscles seem to magically inflate, and you are able to generate an excellent pump for the night show! Sodium helps transport carbs into the muscles, so by all means don’t be afraid to put a bit of salt on your food.

I actually encourage my clients to get their sodium from condiments like ketchup, mustard, and barbecue sauce in the off-season. It should be noted that for any of you with medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes that require you to adhere to strict low-sodium diets, always observe the guidelines set forth by your physician or your dietician.

Additional researchIf it seems odd that this discussion of nutrition as it applies to the FST-7 training system isn’t discussing supplements, that’s because I am currently in the process of experimenting with various types of products to see which ones enhance the pump, reduce soreness, speed up recovery, and other effects that would be beneficial. One of the major side effects of this type of training is extreme muscle soreness, so this in particular needs to be addressed. All I can say at this point is that even though all the results aren’t in and there is still more research to be done; we have already witnessed some intriguing and exciting effects.

Success stories – in progress!Although I have been developing the FST-7 system for several years and have been recommending it to my clients, only recently have I insisted that they consistently incorporate it into their own training. In the near future, I will have some impressive success stories to report.

Hypertrophy-Specific Training™ arose out of the research looking at both the stimuli and mechanisms for muscle cell hypertrophy. Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) is based on physiological principles of hypertrophy first discovered in the laboratory. These principles were then organized into a "method" of mechanically loading the muscle to induce hypertrophy. Of course, translating these principles into applicable methods (sets & reps & schedules) brings in some possibility of error. As the science continues to explore the exact mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy, this error will be whittled away.I didn't start out knowing how muscles grew. After all, it is a process that cannot be observed with the naked eye. In the beginning I simply did what others were doing. Then, I began reading muscle magazines and buying books. Still, I wasn't able to achieve the level of muscularity I saw so prominently displayed in the magazines.

For about 10 years I trained with all the popular training styles. I made decent progress in the beginning but as time went by, I seldom saw changes in the mirror, at least not any I could get anyone else to notice. But I continued to pursue the art.

As I entered college and graduate school, I finally had access to real research that was only just then beginning to take form. The interest in muscle growth is fairly new in academic circles. As I began to explore the research, it became clear to me that the routines and traditions I was exposed to as a bodybuilder, were NOT based on physiological principles on a cellular level.

It was a "fantastic voyage" compared to the European inspired global view of training. At the microscopic level scientists were talking about things like "myogenic stem cells", "growth-factors", "mechanical loading", "synergistic ablation", "smeared Z-lines", "MAPk/ERK" and many other things hidden to the naked eye. All of these things were left out of the equation of traditional training routines.

As hypertrophy-specific research progressed in specificity it was clear that traditional training routines had stumbled across many important principles of load induced muscle hypertrophy, but because of their limited perspective (volume and intensity) they failed to capitalize on some critical truths exposed by research at the cellular level.

The principles of hypertrophy that HST is based on are as follows (not an exhaustive list):

1) Mechanical Load 
Mechanical Load is necessary to induce muscle hypertrophy. This mechanism involves but isn't limited to, MAPk/ERK, satellite cells, growth factors, calcium, and number of other fairly understood factors. It is incorrect to say "we don't know how muscle grows in response to training". The whole point of the HST book is not to discuss HST, but to present the body of research explaining how hypertrophy occurs. Then HST becomes a relatively obvious conclusion if your goal is hypertrophy. 2) Acute vs. Chronic Stimuli 
In order for the loading to result in significant hypertrophy, the stimulus must be applied with sufficient frequency to create a new "environment", as opposed to seemingly random and acute assaults on the mechanical integrity of the tissue. The downside of taking a week of rest every time you load a muscle is that many of the acute responses to training like increased protein synthesis, prostaglandins, IGF-1 levels, and mRNA levels all return to normal in about 36 hours. So, you spend 2 days growing and half a week in a semi-anticatabolic state returning to normal (some people call this recovery), when research shows us that recovery can take place unabated even if a the muscle is loaded again in 48 hours. So true anabolism from loading only lasts 2 days at best once the load is removed. The rest of the time you are simply balancing nitrogen retention without adding to it. 

3) Progressive Load 
Over time, the tissue adapts and becomes resistant to the damaging effects of mechanical load. This adaptation (resistance to the stimulus) can happen in as little as 48 hours (Repeated Bout Effect or Rapid Training Effect). As this happens, hypertrophy will stop, though neural and metabolic adaptations can and may continue. As opposed to hypertrophy, the foundation for the development of strength is neuromuscular in nature. Increases in strength from resistance exercise have been attributed to several neural adaptations including altered recruitment patterns, rate coding, motor unit synchronization, reflex potentiation, prime mover antagonist activity, and prime mover agonist activity. So, aside from incremental changes in the number of contractile filaments (hypertrophy), voluntary force production (i.e. strength) is largely a matter of "activating" motor units. 

4) Strategic Deconditioning 
At this point, it is necessary to either increase the load (Progressive load), or decrease the degree of conditioning to the load (Strategic Deconditioning). The muscle is sensitive not only to the absolute load, but also to the change in load (up or down). Therefore, you can get a hypertrophic effect from increasing the load from a previous load, even if the absolute load is not maximum, assuming conditioning (resistance to exercise induced micro-damage) is not to extensive. There is a limit to the number of increments you can add to increase the load. You simply reach your maximum voluntary strength eventually. This is whyStrategic Deconditioning is required for continued growth once growth has stopped (all things remaining equal). 

Bodybuilding techniques were developed to compete against the plateau, the sticking point and/or the proverbial wall. Bodybuilding techniques are basic resistance training regimens designed to specifically increase muscle mass (hypertrophy) as compared to techniques utilized to increase sport specific requisites (speed, balance, coordination, agility, reactivity, flexibility, strength, etc).
Techniques described here involve hypertrophy of the muscle complex (i.e. muscle, tendon, ligament, joints, and bones). As you focus on long-term goals, you must prepare the supportive structures to adapt and change as our muscles are continually growing.

Currently, a prevalent theory in gyms today is that of progressive overload. This theory has its basis is the belief that you need to lift more to get bigger, or progressively overload the muscles to cause them to grow. This type of training is very hard to perform for long period of time. If this can be done during your entire bodybuilding career, you would see 400 lbs. guys in the gym bench-pressing 1500 lbs! Progressive overload training can be done for different periods of time but is not the only way to train.

Changing Your Routine's

You need to change your routine very often (about every 6 weeks) this include no only the type of exercises but also the type of technique. Continually changing the stress placed on the muscle groups prevents adaptation and forces the body to respond. Utilizing a variety of techniques not only breaks monotony in the gym but allows for periods of growth by alternating tissue breakdown (with overloading, heavy exercises, large resistance) and tissue repair (with rest, lighter activities, and various methods).

There are many different terms used to describe the same activity. This is not an all-inclusive list. There are obviously a number of other techniques and routines not mentioned in this article, including ones utilized by others individuals. Please email me with your ideas, I am always looking to learn new techniques or new ways to train. Ideally, you will take the ones mentioned and modify them to meet your needs and shock the heck out of your muscles.

Resistance level and Rest are only suggestions! Changing or individualizing the techniques allows you to create your own technique and therefore add diversity to your workouts and astonish the muscles!

Giant Sets

A giant set usually consists of a number of different exercises for one particular body part. Set one is preformed on one exercise followed by set one on the next exercise and so on. Weight is usually moderate and there is little to no rest between each exercise. After one set, rest about two to three minutes. Example: Close-Grip Bench Press, followed by Triceps Pushdowns, then Dumbbell Kickbacks. The total, composing one giant set.

Super Sets

A super set consists of a number of different exercises for two or more body parts one after the other. Body part number one is exercised, and then body part number two, etc. Weight is moderate to heavy with minimal rest between exercises. Rest between super sets is anywhere from two - five minutes. Example: Biceps and Triceps - Alternating Standing Curls with Triceps French Curls.

Forced Reps

Forced reps are a process that involves working the muscle group to failure. Forced reps take place with in a given set and can consist of maximal weight to failure (less reps) or light to moderate weight (high reps). Utilization of a lifting partner is essential to allow full contraction of the muscle to occur. Minimal time is needed between forced reps (as long as full muscle contraction occurs) and time between sets utilizing forced reps is longer to allow greater recovery.

Example: Bench Press at 90% of max for 6 - 8 reps (employing a partner to help you through the full phase of contraction).

Eccentric Contractions (Negatives)

Eccentric contractions are defined as muscle contractions in which the muscle lengthens as opposed to shortening (concentric contractions). This can be approached purposefully, with the aid of a partner, utilizing maximal weight (30-40% more than ones maximal lift) or be done with any regular exercise regimen where the lifter concentrates on the 'down' phase of the lift as well as the 'up' phase.

Timing during the lift is very slow, allowing for control, and minimum amount of time is needed between reps. Time between sets is usually greater, as one needs it for recovery.

Example: Bench Press with weight exceeding your maximal press, slowly lower the bar to your chest and with the help of a partner return the bar to the starting position. Repeat. Word of caution: Eccentric contractions are known to cause more muscle soreness than concentric contractions, and the risk of injury is much greater due to the large amount of weight utilized!

Twenty - Ones

Twenty-ones is a descriptive term based on the number of reps done in a given set. The unique aspect of this method is that the set is actually broken up into three different sets done consecutively, within the same movement. The three different aspects of the set involve partial range of motions within a full range of motion (see example). Each aspect or portion of the full range of motion is done for a total of seven, followed by the next portion of the full movement for seven, and then finally by the last portion of the full movement, again for seven. (7 + 7 + 7 = 21!).

The exercise is done using moderate weight. Each portion of the movement is done immediately after one another, with average rest between sets.

Example: Standing Biceps Curls - do seven partial reps from the start point to midway, followed by seven partial reps midway to the end of the movement, then do seven full range of motion standing curls to end it.

Timed Sets / Reps

Timed sets and reps involve doing the movement through a specific fixed time or count. Both the concentric (positive or up) and the eccentric (negative or down) phase of the movement are done over a specified time or count. The positive and negative movement times can be the same or different, as long as they are consistent through out the entire set. Time between reps is minimal (one following the other), and rest between sets is moderate (2- 3 minutes). Weight is usually moderate to light, as the set is difficult.

Example: Seated Quadriceps Extensions - Do the concentric or up movement over a 10 second count followed by the negative or down movement over a ten second count. Repeat.

Partial Reps

Partial reps or restricted range of motion (ROM) sets is similar to Twenty-ones except that the entire set is purposefully done through a partial range of motion. Focus can be either on the concentric or eccentric portion of the partial movement. This can be done anywhere within the normal full range of motion such as at the beginning, the middle, or the end. Weight is usually moderate to heavy and timing between sets is anywhere from 1 to two minutes.

Example: Lying Hamstring Curls - a set of 12 reps is done at the top of the normal range of motion, starting from the hamstrings being fully contracted and ending approximately midway through the normal range of motion and repeating. This is a good technique apply to Bench Press, is my favorite one.

Pre - Exhaustion

Pre-exhaustion is a method in which a muscle group is isolated, using an isolating movement prior to doing a compound movement (more than one muscle being utilized, or more than one joint involved in an exercise). This method fatigues the muscle being refurbished before it is subjected to "the real" workout. Weight is light to moderate and reps are usually in the higher range. Pre-exhaustion uses an isolation exercise (flyes) to fatigue the chest to failure, then use the relatively fresh shoulders and arms to force even more stress on the chest during the Bench Press.

Example: For your chest - Doing Dumbbell Flyes (isolating movement), three sets of 12-15 reps, before doing Bench Press (compound movement).

Post - Exhaustion sets

Post-exhaustion sets involves performing low repetition, heavy weight sets, followed immediately by high repetition, light weight sets. This can be done with the same exercise (example #1) or with two different exercise (example #2). Weight is as described above, and there is minimal to no rest between the heavy and light phase of the set. Rest between sets is moderate to long, again, for recovery.

Example #1: Squats - Heavy set doing 4 to 6 reps followed immediately by Squats with a lighter weight, 12 - 15 reps. 
Example #2: Squats - Heavy set doing 4 - 6 reps followed by Leg Extensions, moderate weight, 12 - 15 reps.


Pyramiding is a general term used to describe a number of different options. There is load or weight pyramiding, repetition pyramiding, and rest or intermission pyramiding.

Load Pyramiding

Load pyramiding occurs when each progressive set is done with heavier weight and less repetitions. This can be done with minimal or moderate rest between sets.

Example: Bench Press with sets, reps, and weight as follows - Set 1- 100lbs 10 reps. Set 2- 120 lbs 8 reps, etc.

Load Sets

Load sets progressively add weight to a given set while the number of repetitions stays the same or decreases.

Example: One set - 100lbs 10 reps, followed immediately by 120lbs 8 reps, etc.

Break Downs

Break downs are a great way to increase the intensity and can be used on almost any exercise. They are generally best to use in conjunction with your normal work out. Take again the faithful example of the bench press. Warm up. After a few sets of your normal routine load about 90% of your max onto the bench, or about what you can do for 2 unassisted reps. Bench Press the weight for 4 reps, getting help as you need it from your spotter.

IMMEDIATELY after putting the weight on the rack, strip off about 60% of it and keep benching, getting at least 8 reps. You need to strip off a good chunk of weight to make this principle work. If you are benching 150 lbs, fail HARD, and then pull off 20 lbs, the weight isn't going to feel any lighter, and you won't be able to get the reps that you need. In the last stage of a breakdown, you should be able to bench at least 6 reps unassisted to make it work. Two break down sets per exercise are usually enough.

Few More Tips

Combining principles of Pre-Exhaustion with the Break-Downs is enough for even the most seasoned lifter. An example ? Let's go back to the Bench Press. Take those 40's that you were doing flyes with and also grab a pair of 25's. Load the bench with weight that you could normally do 12 reps with. Do flyes with the 40's until you fail HARD. Drop the 40's, grab the 25's and get at least 8 good reps.

Drop them, grab the barbell with 205 on it (MAKE SURE THE SPOTTER IS READY). Force out at least 4 reps, (Enough you say?? not hardly). Strip off half of the weight and lift 100 lbs until you fail completely. This usually happens at about the 5 rep mark. One or two sets like this is usually plenty per body part (NO MORE). Inspire your partners to new levels with your training intensity.

How Often ?

Three days per week of weights is enough. More will get you less. I've learned this the hard way. Lifting seven days a week like a crazy is too much stress for your body to handle. You will work yourself into a bad cycle of over-training where you actually see negative results. HARDER, NOT LONGER, is the goal of these workouts. Doing a lots sets of an exercise may make you better at that exercise, but not improve the body part as much as doing fewer and harder sets.

This training should be used in conjunction with sensible planning. Train like this for a week, and use your normal training routine for a week, or alternate both workouts. As always, LET YOUR BODY BE THE GUIDE. REST IS THE KEY. The body can't heal the massive amounts of stress you've placed upon it in a single day (Sometimes it will take 2 or 3 days to fully recover). Also the most beginner lifter can apply these techniques with a good result, always watch for any sign of overtraining. Below is a sample workout and ways to divide your body up to maximize this principles. These are general workouts and can be modified to suit your tastes. Remember, superior effort brings superior results. TRAIN HARD AND HAVE FUN.

Workout Plan 1:

Monday: Chest & Back:

Bench Press: 3 sets 4-8 reps, 60-80% of max. 2 of the previous sets should combined pre-exhaustion and Break Down. (As specified above). 
Incline Bench Press: 3 sets incline bench press, 4-12 reps, 50-100% of max. 
Lat Pull downs: 3 sets of 4-12 reps, 50-80% of max. 2 sets break downs. 
Cable Rows: 3 sets of 4-12 reps, 50-80% of max. 2 sets of break downs, from 90% to 60% of max. 1 set double break downs (Fail, drop 60%, fail drop 60%).

Wednesday: Shoulders & Legs.

Squats: 3 sets of 15-6 reps, 50-80% of max. 1 set of 30+ with warm-up weight. 
Leg Curls: 3 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 
Leg extensions: 3 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 
Military Press: 5 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 3 sets pre-exhaustion using Lateral Dumbbell Raises first. 
Shoulder Shrugs : 2 sets 50-90% of max. 2 sets double-break-downs. 
Calf Raises : 3 sets 20-10 reps, 50-90% of max break downs on all sets.

Friday: Arms

Preacher Bench curls : 3 sets 15-8 reps 80-50% of max. 
Straight bar curls: 3 sets all break downs. 
Concentration curls: 2 sets of double-break-downs. 
Lying French presses: (Skullcrushers) 1 set normal 8-15 reps. 50-70% of max. 2 sets of break downs. 
Triceps pushdowns: 2 sets normal 15-6 reps 50-80% of max. 
Triceps kickbacks: 3 sets 10-12 reps WITH GOOD FORM.

Workout Plan 2:

Monday: Chest & Back:

Bench Press: 3 sets with pre-exhaustion and Break Down. (As specified above). 
Incline Bench Press: 3 sets Break Down 4-12 reps, 50-100% of max. 
Lat Pull downs: 2 sets of 4-12 reps and a break down, 50-80% of max 
Dead Lifts: 2 sets 15-10 slow reps (2-4 seconds up and 2-4 seconds down). Be careful doing exercise using this tempo. Because is to slow is a tendency to get hurt.

Wednesday: Shoulders & Legs.

Squats: 3 sets of 15-30 reps, 50-80% of max. 
Leg Curls: 2 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 
Leg extensions: 2 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 
Military Press: 3 sets of 12-8 reps, 50-80% of max. 2 sets pre-exhaustion using lateral dumbbell raises first. 
Shoulder Shrugs : 2 sets 50-90% of max. 2 sets double-break-downs. 
Calf Raises : 3 sets 20-10 reps, 50-90% of max. Toes in + out on at least two of the sets.

Friday: Arms

Chin-up: 1 set (30 sec up 30 sec down) followed by Straight Bar Curls (8-12 reps) do this cycle twice 
Concentration curls: 2 sets of double-break-downs. 
Dip: 1 set (30 sec up 30 sec down) followed by Lying French Presses (Skullcrushers) do this cycle twice 
Triceps pushdowns: 2 sets normal 15-6 reps 50-80% of max. 
Triceps kickbacks: 1 set 10-12 reps WITH GOOD FORM.

This kind of bodybuilding techniques breaks monotony and allows for periods of growth by alternating tissue breakdown and tissue repair. Utilize these techniques not only as they are stated above but in ways that fill to your needs. Change them up, add or decrease weight and/or reps. Use them with various body parts on different days, weeks, etc. Most importantly, go for your goals and TRAIN HARD!!!


It's simple: more exercise means more burned calories.So there fore faster and easier to lose unwanted calories.
Not necessarily every day to have a heavy training, it will not be able to survive (if you're in their early 20s). Ideal is to combine aerobic (running, aerobics, etc..), And anaerobic training (weights, deal ..). One day one, another day another. Thus optimize the your muscles to get weaker, not too much to melt, and the other by running to spend excess calories, so your bigger and stronger muscles will allow you to work faster.

If you are tired, do not skip a workout or a day or two more, but simply a device that: make an easy training that can be brisk walking 20 to 30 minutes. It is important to create and keep the habit in daily physical activities.
In any year you are, I recommend the following:

In the morning, after breakfast before work or walk run about 20 minutes. It slowly gives shape and will create a habit of exercise. This also will wake up and give you better concentration and an opportunity for longer durability in a sitting position (if such a thing - and today is more common).

It is desirable to make yours after each meal (eg lunch.) Because it helps to reduce the glikemic index (helps the meal to be spent quickly, and less to precipitate the fatty deposits). So it is important to create a daily habit to move and exercise. Excuse: no time (and yourself know that it holds).

20 to 30 minutes a day for yourself, health, certainly to be found.
Pesionate people in the gym almost always bomb slogans such as: no pain, no gain  or have not pain if you want to increase muscle mass. But whether it is training the muscle cancellation required for maximum development and whether such training is safe?

Group of U.S. researchers found that training to muscular cancellation, it is more efficient to build muscle mass program which used a fixed number of iterations in the series. Muscle tension and time under tension are two key factors in building muscle mass and strength. Training to cancellation reduces tension in the muscles when extra effort is no longer
Training to the cancellation can be dangerous, even deadly, because it can destroy muscle tissue. This condition known as  rhabdomyolysis , releasing the contents of the muscle into the bloodstream. It can lead to failure of renal function. The popularity of this training has already led to a mini-epidemic of rhabdomyolysis in America.

The secret to superior force is in regular use at maximum weight. Most bodybuilders are strictly kept from 6-12 repetitions when the train hands. In most cases, 6-12 repetitions are ideal for building large and massive hands, but like everything else, this will only last a certain time. But what then?

When you look great in a massive thigh powerlifting, or any other discipline where you also need to be such, they are usually as strong as they seem. However, many bodybuilders, especially those who use large doses of anabolics and growth hormone, their power is often lacking in that table we have.

What is the difference? Steroids perhaps?Many competitors also use anabolics, but the biggest difference is in their choice of methods for training. Strongman competitors do fewer exercises but the number of batches is quite higher, and therefore the number of repetitions is small in the series followed by a big break between sets.

Why not use maximum weights? As is known, the nervous system is often neglected component of bodybuilding so this training will contribute to strengthen the link between the central nervous system and muscle (intra-muscular training). This will increase motor unit activation of muscle fibers on the surface of muscle tissue.

Nevromuscular training base for maximum weight

- Better nervous impulse to the muscle
- Increased synchronization of motor units
- Increased activity of the contractile mechanism
- Reduced muscle protection

This is a 12-week training program for strong hands. The end result will be bigger and strong hands.

1-3 weeks (5 x 5 method, 402 tempo, rest between series 2 ')

A1 (biceps): curl in a sitting position with a dumbbels
A2 (triceps): deep (if necessary use the surcharge)
B1 (biceps): curl on biceps Bench
B2 (triceps): push over head (scull crusher)

After successfully performed 5x5 repetitions Training Boost weight within 2-5 kg ​​next workout.

4-6 weeks (method 6h 2-4 reps, 501 tempo, rest between series 4-5 ')

Start with a weight you can lift 2 times in 6 batches. The goal is to raise the same weight 4 times in 6 batches after a certain period. Since the break is 4-5 minutes, during this period you can do the next exercise.

A1 (biceps): curl flat r  bench Scott'sba (narrow grip)
A2 (triceps): horse tight grip
B1 (biceps): standing curl with EZ bar
B2 (triceps): deeps with extra weight

week 7-9 (2x 6-8 to absolute cancellation, 302 tempo, pause 90 ")

During this period, use less weight, but emphasis is put on muscle contraction. There are three types of muscle contractions: concentric (raising the burden), eccentric (lowering the burden) and static (holding the burden).
Once you can not lift the weight, help you with your other hand or let your partner help you lift the weight, and controlled so operate 2-3 repetitions. Increasing the weight of the next training will do when you can do 8 reps.

A1 (biceps): curl flat bar Scott Bench
A2 (triceps): lying thrust with dumbbels
B1 (biceps): weating  curl with dumbells, palms facing towards each other (hammer curls)
B2 (triceps): thrust over head of the decline bench with EZ bar

10-12 weeks (5/4/3/2/1 method, Pause 2 ')

This method will teach you to reach their true 1 RM. Start with a weight you can lift more than 5 times (5 RM), the next series, increasing your weight should be about 2-3% and will make a recurrence less, and so until you get to 1 RM.

A1 (triceps): decline bench  horse narrow grip (pace 321)
A2 (biceps): onehand curl a dab of biceps Bench (pace 601)
B1 (triceps): thrust head incline bench (pace 311)
B2 (biceps) standing curl to counter grip (pace 321)

This is just such a program, exercise does not have to be the same, perform those exercises which you can perform and which suit you. Note that you need to do change the angles to work the muscles, extraction and change the movement for better effect, because that way you avoid muscle adaptation to certain movements.

Pace - the pace of exercise is expressed in terms of muscle contractions. This means that if "the pace is 3 0 1" burden to go down three times slower than the time to lift and do not retain in any position. For example: 3 seconds down, 0 seconds and 1 second reserve the ascent.

This training should be doing 5-7 days. Between this perod you would operate the rest muscle groups with high load of 6 to 10 repetitions.

FST-7 is the abbreviation of (Fascia stretch training 7) that relates to stretching the muscle layer, while the number 7 is the number of batches that must be made on a particular muscle party train that day. Many bodybuilder this training method results in significant increase in muscle mass, especially in those "stubborn muscles" where no other method of training was not successful.

Muscle layer limits the increase in muscle?

 The human body can find three types of muscle membranes, but bodybuilders need to be only interested in the deep fascia. It is a dense, fibrous tissue that covers muscles and other organs of the body. The density of collagen fibers gives strength to the tissue and the amount of elastin in turn determines how it is expandable and elastic. Some individuals have a thick and solid layer (fascia), apart from the rest. Genetically gifted bodybuilder possess this muscle layer, because their abdominal muscles act so big and full, so desirable between bodybuilders. Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath are two professional athletes who have characteristically thin fascia. Their muscles may become very easy to pump. Best effort to expand the fascia is longitudinally stretching the muscle using FST-7, which is based on the fact that muscles stretched from the inside out.

Pumping with lighter weights is not enough!

It would not be good this one wrong to interpret: FST-7 tells us just pumping, it's just one of the components of this method. I believe in being bigger muscle is a stronger muscle and have to practice constantly with heavier weights of 8-12 repetitions. Heavy weights produce thickness and density of muscle but did not give him round and full look. Similarly, if repeated lifting with lighter weights, somewhat can get round muscle, but can never achieve extreme dimension if not included series with heavier weights. Thus during the workout at once should be focused on strength and the maximum number of iterations.

Here is an example of training biceps in the system of FST-7:

- AC dumbbels curl3-4 series (8-12 reps)

- Biceps bench  3 series (8-12 reps)

- Biceps curl with French bar 7 series (8-12 reps) where 30-45 seconds rest between sets while sipping water

Generally not used a larger number of iterations, because it arises from general fatigue and cant pump without achieving maximum muscle that train. Not good if the dumbbel is too difficult, 8 repetitions can not be performed because it comes form. Each batch must be updating the previous one, to eventually achieve maximum effect.

If you and the rest are too short, then you would have enough energy to seriously carry out the series. Many wonder whether in the "7 series" weights remain the same. Actually yes, but not a big mistake 1-2 times decrease, as would remain in the frame of the prescribed number of repetitions. Can occur and increase the weights of weights that practice, but it is less common.

How often can exercise those parts of the body that way?

Generally, the large muscle parties FST-7 is overtraumatic it can train more than once a week. Because the number of muscle cells, inflammation of the muscles too long last. Phil Heat after just one training for back, 4-th day had great pain in the muscles. Conversely, smaller muscles such as muscles of the hands and leaves can be practiced and should be practiced to train twice a week. The result is a great opportunity twice a week to stretch the fascia, often stubbornly resist their development.

Here is an example of how training can be deployed:

1.DAY biceps, triceps and leaves

2.DAY feet

3.DEN vacation

4.DAY chest and triceps

5.DAY back and leaves

6.DAY shoulder and biceps

7.DAY vacation

This layout is made for those who need to improve muscle parties hands.

What you need to use a program FST-7?

Best to throw at the end of the training which will target a particular muscle. If this program use the other way would be a big mistake, because it results in decreased performance with larger weights, which are important for building muscle mass. And to finish the workout with a large inflated muscles is the perfect thing, something already instinctively apply the top professionals in the sport, so we ourselves do not know exactly spreading the fascias can achieve maximizing muscular table.

FST-7 programs in parts of the body


    Horse press with narrow grip 3-4 × 8-12
    Collapse of the shaft with weights 3 × 8-12
    Extension cable with over Chapter 7 × 8-12
    Lowering bar on Head 7 × 8-12


    AC curl handed with weights 3-4 × 8-12
    biceps bench 3 × 8-12
    curl with Z-bar 7 × 8-12 (rest 30-45 seconds)


Foot extension 3-4 × 8-15

    Chuchnjevi 4 × 8-12
    Hack-stand up leg thrust or 3 × 8-15
    Foot extension or leg thrust 7 × 8-15


    Incline handed thrust with weights 3-4 × 8-12
    Flying sideways with one handed weights 3 × 8-12
    Flat hammer or thrust with one handed weights 3 × 8-12
    Pec-deck or cable crossover 7 × 8-12


    Sitting one handed thrust with weights 4 × 8-12
    Before raising the bar 3 × 8-12
    Laterally with one handed lifting weights 3 × 8-12
    Lateral lifting device 7 × 8-12


    goodmornings neutral grip 3 X cancellation
    Towing with a wide grip lat 3 × 8-12
    Rowing with bar 3 × 8-12
    Hammer of rowing device 3 × 8-12
    Pullover with cables or dumbbells 7 × 8-15

Rear Lodge

    Lying leg curl 3-4 × 10-15
    Dead Lift with straight legs 3-4 × 10-12
    Individual leg curl 3-4 × 10-15
    Seating leg curl7 × 10-15


    With one handed lifting weights 3-4 x 8-12
    Lifting the rod 7 x 8-12


    calves with toe standing 4 x 10-12
    Lifting the toe sitting 4 x 15-20
    Donkey show of 7 x 12-15

Leaves should be practiced twice a week after 48-72 hours rest, such as Monday and Thursday.
Quality muscle mass with HST - Training Program

During the mass (Off-season), many competitors are trying to put muscle mass lost during the template. They apply different training techniques in order to ensure that they put quality muscle mass for the next time you are ready for competition or defined.

Hypertrophy specific training or HST is a scientific technique that is used by many competitors who want to put muscle after intense competition period.
In order to build the perfect symmetry for next season, you have to focus to emphasize and fix any muscle parties to look harmonious. HST will help you put muscle mass and be proportionate. Fitness competitors can also benefit from this program but adding muscle mass, because this program provides increased strength.

HST is a training method which is either neglected or many bodybuilders never heard of it. It was created by scientists exploring the science behind muscle growth, and thus they created this training program, which is generally created by Brian Haycock.

There are many opinions about this training technique, but these are 4's main points that will help you understand the HST training program.

4 Principles of HST
- Frequency
Chronic Loading (more load) is used in this training program instead of Acute Loading (less load / frequency) which can be seen almost any exercise program.
Chronic Loading actually means training the body several times a week. Any training should last less than 1 hour. Series cancellation occur in the training program when you have one or two repetitions to complete muscle cancellation.

- Mechanical load
All muscle fibers are included when using a large enough weight. This training principle focus precisely on this exercise with heavy weights in order to expose your muscles to mechanical stress. This micro-damage to muscle fibers leading to muscle growth.
Individual weights will add any subsequent training. Adding weight will be 5% chance of your 5 maximum repetitions with a weight. By the time you repeat this several times in the cycle, you can try with 10%.

- Progressivity
Mechanical load should be constant. Continuously increasing the weights that we use during the training will contribute to avoiding muscle homeostasis (adaptation of muscle to a certain kind of stress (weight)) and contributes to continuous muscle growth.

- Strategic vacation
As a product of progress, the strategic break is needed to get to the point where you do not have any progress. The period of rest should use the period before you reach its maximum with weights and should last from 9 to 16 days. If you are new to the sport, 9 to 10 days should be enough to rest.

Konstantoto training with the training program requires proper nutrition and supplementation to help prevent injuries and speed convalescent after training. ISOFLEX, pure protein isolate that also contains glutamic complex will help to accelerate convalescent after training. Also, despite this, will help to stimulate new muscle growth and to meet nutritional needs of the body.

The design of this program coincides with the fitness training program for several reasons. First, working with the principle of 5% of your 5 maximum repetitions with a weight, stay in the range of 5-6 reps that build strength and mass. HST program will ensure you build up muscle endurance, both muscular volume (mass).

Exercises with cables - everyone must have in their training

For primary building muscle mass, you should use the method that was used in 60s and 70s, with free weights and dumbbells handed, making possible larger weights. But to be a bodybuilding champion is not only required mass and symmetry, but also of such significance in detail. And to get it, the game enters a different kind of weight training - exercises using cables (cables). Below is a list of what should and what should not use this kind of exercise.

Cables USE FOR: Isolating the large muscle groups like chest, back and shoulders.

As you already know most of the exercises with free weights that you use certain muscle parties (such as thrust breast and shoulder, rowing with one handed dumbbells and bars back) depend on other muscle groups that help to perform (for triceps movements for the chest and shoulder, biceps exercises for the back) and thus away from the emphasis on the specific muscle party that want to shoot. Cables offer many exercises that isolate a particular muscle group. For example, yield the cables is a great exercise for the chest, lifting cables to the side is also great for shoulder and pull the rod to hit latovite quite well.

There are countless exercises with cables that can be performed until you want to be creative. Try to perform a new movement of any muscle group, or sometimes just do training with cables to add something new in your training routine.


Increase muscle growth  with Drop series

You have a problem with the increase of the desired muscle mass? Maybe it's time to try to drop series. If you want to maximize your progress in gaining muscle mass, you must train to activate every muscle fiber in each repetition. Drop series is one of the best way to achieve this. With the inclusion of drop series in your regular training program, while combining it with proper diet, can "earn" the muscles that desire.
But without proper understanding about what and how they can injure and bring to the stage of overtraining. None of these will help you put muscle mass.


Popular among bodybuilders and among those who want to create symmetry in its appearance, drop sets are series which are performed with a certain weight to quit, then reduces weight by 10-30% in order to perform more repetitions.
Compared with the usual series, which only put into operation surface muscle fibers, drop series to activate the deepest muscle fibers that cause muscle growth. This technique is very advantageous for causing muscle hypertrophy, but not convenient for those who want to achieve strength, endurance and speed. So very rarely see players and athletes of similar caliber to perform this kind of series.

WHY DROP series so effective?

The standard series (8 to 12 repetitions of the same weight) failed to hit all muscle fibers, just as long as needed for specific weight for a specific number of repetitions. In addition to drop the series, reducing the weight by 10-30% and extending the final processing of the working series, you activate the backup muscle fibers. In this way, we would expect those "stubborn" muscle fibers. The primary focus of this kind of series is to shock the muscle fibers with the addition of stress in the standard series. This added stress stimulates muscle hypertrophy, which causes muscle growth.

HOW TO DROP Conducted series?

There are many ways by which to implement drop series in your training. But the trick is to choose the method that best suits you, depending on your method of training and purpose. Drop series is easily performed using bars, weights one handed and even machines.
To be truly effective, you need to have a partner who will take out the weights for you. The best time to perform these series is the period when not much fuss in the gym, for without having to wait to share one handed dumbbell weights and other vezhbachi.

A typical drop set focus on hypertrophy, which is achieved by removing 10-30% by weight, which perform the exercise 8-10 times. This reduced weight, you should still perform 6-10 repetitions. This is the perfect way to repair those muscles parties lag in proportion to others.

But what if you want to be big and strong? Power Drop Sets for this purpose. Using this kind of series will allow you to gain strength and endurance simultaneously. In this type of series, your reps are going from 4 to 6.


The feasibility of this series out of "range" of hypertrophy in the other side of the coin. "50% Drop Sets" allow you to develop stamina and strength while activating your muscular system. This is done by reducing your weight by about 50% and finish the series with 6-20 repetitions.

How to avoid overtraining WITH DROP series?

When playing drop the series, you should perform only one exercise for muscle party. For example, when you exercise your back, do drop series only lat machine, and other exercises to do as your training program.
Drop series certainly allow muscle hypertrophy, which "required" supplement that will enable rapid convalescent. To maximize your efforts in the gym, you need to add high-quality protein supplement to your arsenal of supplements. ISOFLEX is one of the best isolate proteins that can be found on the market, combined with KRUSH - LOADED to complete creatine therapy, VITASTACK to nourish the body with potrenite materials and training with great intensity, which will be enabled by RAZOR 8!



    May 2012



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