Increase muscle growth  with Drop series

You have a problem with the increase of the desired muscle mass? Maybe it's time to try to drop series. If you want to maximize your progress in gaining muscle mass, you must train to activate every muscle fiber in each repetition. Drop series is one of the best way to achieve this. With the inclusion of drop series in your regular training program, while combining it with proper diet, can "earn" the muscles that desire.
But without proper understanding about what and how they can injure and bring to the stage of overtraining. None of these will help you put muscle mass.


Popular among bodybuilders and among those who want to create symmetry in its appearance, drop sets are series which are performed with a certain weight to quit, then reduces weight by 10-30% in order to perform more repetitions.
Compared with the usual series, which only put into operation surface muscle fibers, drop series to activate the deepest muscle fibers that cause muscle growth. This technique is very advantageous for causing muscle hypertrophy, but not convenient for those who want to achieve strength, endurance and speed. So very rarely see players and athletes of similar caliber to perform this kind of series.

WHY DROP series so effective?

The standard series (8 to 12 repetitions of the same weight) failed to hit all muscle fibers, just as long as needed for specific weight for a specific number of repetitions. In addition to drop the series, reducing the weight by 10-30% and extending the final processing of the working series, you activate the backup muscle fibers. In this way, we would expect those "stubborn" muscle fibers. The primary focus of this kind of series is to shock the muscle fibers with the addition of stress in the standard series. This added stress stimulates muscle hypertrophy, which causes muscle growth.

HOW TO DROP Conducted series?

There are many ways by which to implement drop series in your training. But the trick is to choose the method that best suits you, depending on your method of training and purpose. Drop series is easily performed using bars, weights one handed and even machines.
To be truly effective, you need to have a partner who will take out the weights for you. The best time to perform these series is the period when not much fuss in the gym, for without having to wait to share one handed dumbbell weights and other vezhbachi.

A typical drop set focus on hypertrophy, which is achieved by removing 10-30% by weight, which perform the exercise 8-10 times. This reduced weight, you should still perform 6-10 repetitions. This is the perfect way to repair those muscles parties lag in proportion to others.

But what if you want to be big and strong? Power Drop Sets for this purpose. Using this kind of series will allow you to gain strength and endurance simultaneously. In this type of series, your reps are going from 4 to 6.


The feasibility of this series out of "range" of hypertrophy in the other side of the coin. "50% Drop Sets" allow you to develop stamina and strength while activating your muscular system. This is done by reducing your weight by about 50% and finish the series with 6-20 repetitions.

How to avoid overtraining WITH DROP series?

When playing drop the series, you should perform only one exercise for muscle party. For example, when you exercise your back, do drop series only lat machine, and other exercises to do as your training program.
Drop series certainly allow muscle hypertrophy, which "required" supplement that will enable rapid convalescent. To maximize your efforts in the gym, you need to add high-quality protein supplement to your arsenal of supplements. ISOFLEX is one of the best isolate proteins that can be found on the market, combined with KRUSH - LOADED to complete creatine therapy, VITASTACK to nourish the body with potrenite materials and training with great intensity, which will be enabled by RAZOR 8!

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    May 2012



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