The secret to superior force is in regular use at maximum weight. Most bodybuilders are strictly kept from 6-12 repetitions when the train hands. In most cases, 6-12 repetitions are ideal for building large and massive hands, but like everything else, this will only last a certain time. But what then?

When you look great in a massive thigh powerlifting, or any other discipline where you also need to be such, they are usually as strong as they seem. However, many bodybuilders, especially those who use large doses of anabolics and growth hormone, their power is often lacking in that table we have.

What is the difference? Steroids perhaps?Many competitors also use anabolics, but the biggest difference is in their choice of methods for training. Strongman competitors do fewer exercises but the number of batches is quite higher, and therefore the number of repetitions is small in the series followed by a big break between sets.

Why not use maximum weights? As is known, the nervous system is often neglected component of bodybuilding so this training will contribute to strengthen the link between the central nervous system and muscle (intra-muscular training). This will increase motor unit activation of muscle fibers on the surface of muscle tissue.

Nevromuscular training base for maximum weight

- Better nervous impulse to the muscle
- Increased synchronization of motor units
- Increased activity of the contractile mechanism
- Reduced muscle protection

This is a 12-week training program for strong hands. The end result will be bigger and strong hands.

1-3 weeks (5 x 5 method, 402 tempo, rest between series 2 ')

A1 (biceps): curl in a sitting position with a dumbbels
A2 (triceps): deep (if necessary use the surcharge)
B1 (biceps): curl on biceps Bench
B2 (triceps): push over head (scull crusher)

After successfully performed 5x5 repetitions Training Boost weight within 2-5 kg ​​next workout.

4-6 weeks (method 6h 2-4 reps, 501 tempo, rest between series 4-5 ')

Start with a weight you can lift 2 times in 6 batches. The goal is to raise the same weight 4 times in 6 batches after a certain period. Since the break is 4-5 minutes, during this period you can do the next exercise.

A1 (biceps): curl flat r  bench Scott'sba (narrow grip)
A2 (triceps): horse tight grip
B1 (biceps): standing curl with EZ bar
B2 (triceps): deeps with extra weight

week 7-9 (2x 6-8 to absolute cancellation, 302 tempo, pause 90 ")

During this period, use less weight, but emphasis is put on muscle contraction. There are three types of muscle contractions: concentric (raising the burden), eccentric (lowering the burden) and static (holding the burden).
Once you can not lift the weight, help you with your other hand or let your partner help you lift the weight, and controlled so operate 2-3 repetitions. Increasing the weight of the next training will do when you can do 8 reps.

A1 (biceps): curl flat bar Scott Bench
A2 (triceps): lying thrust with dumbbels
B1 (biceps): weating  curl with dumbells, palms facing towards each other (hammer curls)
B2 (triceps): thrust over head of the decline bench with EZ bar

10-12 weeks (5/4/3/2/1 method, Pause 2 ')

This method will teach you to reach their true 1 RM. Start with a weight you can lift more than 5 times (5 RM), the next series, increasing your weight should be about 2-3% and will make a recurrence less, and so until you get to 1 RM.

A1 (triceps): decline bench  horse narrow grip (pace 321)
A2 (biceps): onehand curl a dab of biceps Bench (pace 601)
B1 (triceps): thrust head incline bench (pace 311)
B2 (biceps) standing curl to counter grip (pace 321)

This is just such a program, exercise does not have to be the same, perform those exercises which you can perform and which suit you. Note that you need to do change the angles to work the muscles, extraction and change the movement for better effect, because that way you avoid muscle adaptation to certain movements.

Pace - the pace of exercise is expressed in terms of muscle contractions. This means that if "the pace is 3 0 1" burden to go down three times slower than the time to lift and do not retain in any position. For example: 3 seconds down, 0 seconds and 1 second reserve the ascent.

This training should be doing 5-7 days. Between this perod you would operate the rest muscle groups with high load of 6 to 10 repetitions.

5/19/2012 08:18:58 am

Nice keep posting


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    May 2012



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