Quality muscle mass with HST - Training Program

During the mass (Off-season), many competitors are trying to put muscle mass lost during the template. They apply different training techniques in order to ensure that they put quality muscle mass for the next time you are ready for competition or defined.

Hypertrophy specific training or HST is a scientific technique that is used by many competitors who want to put muscle after intense competition period.
In order to build the perfect symmetry for next season, you have to focus to emphasize and fix any muscle parties to look harmonious. HST will help you put muscle mass and be proportionate. Fitness competitors can also benefit from this program but adding muscle mass, because this program provides increased strength.

HST is a training method which is either neglected or many bodybuilders never heard of it. It was created by scientists exploring the science behind muscle growth, and thus they created this training program, which is generally created by Brian Haycock.

There are many opinions about this training technique, but these are 4's main points that will help you understand the HST training program.

4 Principles of HST
- Frequency
Chronic Loading (more load) is used in this training program instead of Acute Loading (less load / frequency) which can be seen almost any exercise program.
Chronic Loading actually means training the body several times a week. Any training should last less than 1 hour. Series cancellation occur in the training program when you have one or two repetitions to complete muscle cancellation.

- Mechanical load
All muscle fibers are included when using a large enough weight. This training principle focus precisely on this exercise with heavy weights in order to expose your muscles to mechanical stress. This micro-damage to muscle fibers leading to muscle growth.
Individual weights will add any subsequent training. Adding weight will be 5% chance of your 5 maximum repetitions with a weight. By the time you repeat this several times in the cycle, you can try with 10%.

- Progressivity
Mechanical load should be constant. Continuously increasing the weights that we use during the training will contribute to avoiding muscle homeostasis (adaptation of muscle to a certain kind of stress (weight)) and contributes to continuous muscle growth.

- Strategic vacation
As a product of progress, the strategic break is needed to get to the point where you do not have any progress. The period of rest should use the period before you reach its maximum with weights and should last from 9 to 16 days. If you are new to the sport, 9 to 10 days should be enough to rest.

Konstantoto training with the training program requires proper nutrition and supplementation to help prevent injuries and speed convalescent after training. ISOFLEX, pure protein isolate that also contains glutamic complex will help to accelerate convalescent after training. Also, despite this, will help to stimulate new muscle growth and to meet nutritional needs of the body.

The design of this program coincides with the fitness training program for several reasons. First, working with the principle of 5% of your 5 maximum repetitions with a weight, stay in the range of 5-6 reps that build strength and mass. HST program will ensure you build up muscle endurance, both muscular volume (mass).

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    May 2012



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