It's simple: more exercise means more burned calories.So there fore faster and easier to lose unwanted calories.
Not necessarily every day to have a heavy training, it will not be able to survive (if you're in their early 20s). Ideal is to combine aerobic (running, aerobics, etc..), And anaerobic training (weights, deal ..). One day one, another day another. Thus optimize the your muscles to get weaker, not too much to melt, and the other by running to spend excess calories, so your bigger and stronger muscles will allow you to work faster.

If you are tired, do not skip a workout or a day or two more, but simply a device that: make an easy training that can be brisk walking 20 to 30 minutes. It is important to create and keep the habit in daily physical activities.
In any year you are, I recommend the following:

In the morning, after breakfast before work or walk run about 20 minutes. It slowly gives shape and will create a habit of exercise. This also will wake up and give you better concentration and an opportunity for longer durability in a sitting position (if such a thing - and today is more common).

It is desirable to make yours after each meal (eg lunch.) Because it helps to reduce the glikemic index (helps the meal to be spent quickly, and less to precipitate the fatty deposits). So it is important to create a daily habit to move and exercise. Excuse: no time (and yourself know that it holds).

20 to 30 minutes a day for yourself, health, certainly to be found.

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    May 2012



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