To "destroy the shoulder within 15 minutes", please refer to deal with cables (cross cable machine). Start with the rear deltoids, then switch to the middle, and end of the front deltoids. This sequence is deliberate, because the majority of people back side behind in development, while the front side as the strongest of the three due to activation of thrust in the days when you train chest.

Performance shall be in a circle, moving from exercise to exercise without a break between sets.

This training is based on reverse pyramidal system where, after a series of warm-up, starting with the highest weight then reducing weight by about 10 to 20% on each subsequent series.


Standing around flying 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Standing flight (with cable behind your back) 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Standing flying through the rope 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Do the exercises in the round with no breaks between sets, in between rounds rest are 30 to 60 seconds. After a series of warm-start with the hardest difficulty, and then each subsequent diminish the weight.

Standing flying backwards

Start: stand in the middle of the crossover device. Start with arms crossed in front of you in the height of your shoulder, holding the right cable in the left arm and left to right.

Movement: using the rear drag deltoidi with elbows out and back as possible and then return to the original poziija.

Standing flight (with cable behind your back)

Start: grasp the power behind your back instead of forward, in order to eliminate fraud. Stepped one step forward so that the cable no problem to move behind you.

Movement: hold the torso upright also arm lift lever towards nadvol until it reaches the level (horizontal) on your shoulder. Replace the same time in the initial position.

Standing flying with the help of a rope

Start: stand so the ropea will be right behind you, and the cable will pass under your feet. Take the rope with neutral grip (palms to look to each other).

Movement: a slow motion, lift the rope in front of you, holding hands throughout the performance.

Standing one handed lifting

Use this one handed variation on one deltoid lift if you are more advanced than the other - this way the stronger side can not compensate the weaker and rises higher burden.

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    May 2012


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