The Ronnie Coleman Chest Workout consists of working the chest muscles twice a week.  The participant will work their chest and triceps on those days, followed by periods of rest for those muscles the rest of the week.  This will give those muscles the chance to better develop.  As any bodybuilder knows muscles develop quicker when the body has had a chance to rest.  Here is the breakdown of the workout

First Day Chest

  • Bench Press, 5 sets – 12 reps.
  • Incline Barbell Press, 3 sets – 12 reps.
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Press, 3 sets – 12 reps.
  • Flat Bench Flyes, 4 sets – 12 reps.
First Day Triceps

  • Seated Cambered-Bar Extensions, 3 sets – 12 reps.
  • Seated Dumbbell Extensions, 4 sets – 12 reps.
  • Close-Grip Bench Press, 4 sets – 12 reps.
Second Day Chest

  • Incline Dumbbell Press, 4 sets – 12 reps.
  • Decline Barbell Press, 3 sets – 12 reps.
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes, 3 sets – 12 reps.
  • Decline Dumbbell Press, 3 sets – 12 reps.
Second Day Triceps

  • Skull-crushers, 4 sets – 12 reps
                (super-set with)

  • Machine Press-down Dips, 4 sets – 12 reps
                 (super-set with)

  • Seated Triceps Extensions, 4 sets – 12 reps

This workout is also combined with routines that will work muscles in other parts of the body.  One of the key factors is to work the chest muscles every third day (like Monday and Thursday or Wednesday and Saturday).  That way you will be able to maximize muscle growth while not overtaxing your muscles and possibly causing yourself an injury.  This is the workout used by one of the great bodybuilders of our time.  Here is a look at the man behind the Ronnie Coleman Chest Workout.

Ronnie Coleman began his career while he was an officer with the Arlington Texas Police Department.  A friend suggested that he try a local gym owned by an amateur bodybuilder.  This bodybuilder offered Mr. Coleman a lifetime membership if he let the bodybuilder train him.   From there Mr.Coleman began entering local bodybuilding competitions, and then his career took off.

Mr. Coleman's awards are too numerous to mention, but they have placed him at the top of his field. Those who are looking to build up their chests need to try the Ronnie Coleman Chest Workout.  It has been developed by a professional bodybuilder, so the results are a given if you follow the regimen.  Try it today and give your chest an upgrade that everyone will love.

Arnold's arm exercise routine is a cut above the rest, independent of time and era. Arnold had the best arms hands down among any of his competitors. What set Arnold apart from the rest of his competitors was that the attributes of his arms were in perfect measure, giving him the best double biceps poses of all time.Arnold was not always blessed with the arms he's won multiple Olympia titles (7 in all). He employed every trick in the bodybuilding book to develop his arms.

Arnold did not simply perform a a few sets of any exercise, or limit intensity. Instead, Arnold exercised every body part to extreme intensity developing everymuscle group to its max. He applied the same intensity to his arm exercises hitting his triceps, biceps, and forearms.

The following is a detailed look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's best arm exercises for developing your arm to the maximum.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Principles

Always aim for equal development. Because muscles can be seen from every angle, they should be trained at every angle. You should also work all arm muscles with equal intensity.Keep everything in perspective. Even if you train every muscle group with equal intensity you must recognize that some muscle groups are larger and more complex than others - i.e triceps. Arnold considers your arm 1 part biceps, two parts triceps.

Therfore, your tricep should be worked from more angles than your biceps. You need to hit all three heads to make sure they are adequately developed.

Focus. You need to concentrate on each and every rep of your set. Arnold let nothing in the gym distrac him from his exercises. Arnold believes in visualizing what he wanted to achieve forcing gains in muscle size.

Shock your muscles for change. The body is highly complex. It can adapt to all situations including exercise. Arnold always used change to shock his muscles into growth (Muscle Confusion).

Arms are very resistant to growth because they are used in everything we do. Even intense workouts will fail if they are done in the same manner day after day.Arnold suggests training with more weight than usual, doing more reps or sets, changing speed, decreasing rest periods, peforming different exercises, or changing exercise order.

Forced Reps. Used occassionally, with a training partner, have them assist you with a rep with you would not be able to achieve on your own.

Partial Reps. These can be completed without a work partner and require you to continue doing reps despite muscular fatigue. After finishing a set of dumbells curls, perform half reps, or quarter reps until you can no longer curl.

Negative Repetition. Most people emphasize the positive aspect of lifting - the contraction. You can shock your arms by concentrating on the negative aspect of your rep - the lowering aspect. You can even have a partner help you with some forced reps. These should be performed every second or third workout.

Remember good form. You can lift weights until you are blue in the face. If you lift them with bad form, you will not see the results you want. Arnold was a stickler for perfect technique.

Arnold excourages beginners to perform bicep curls with their backs against the wall, allowing the bicep, and only the bicep to work. He also made sure to keep his wrists straight and not to bend them at the start of the rep. This will take stress away form your bicep, making the curl less effective.

Cheating. Arnold only left form to perform a few cheat reps as a way to shock the muscles into performing a few more reps.

Use Supersets. This involves performing two exercises with no rest in between. This forces as much blood as possible into the target muscle group for maximum growth.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Best Arm Exercises

For Biceps:For Height:
  • Dumbell Concentration Curls: Sit at the end of a flat bench. Spread your legs to a V and place your elbow on the inside of your thigh. Curl up slowly, twisting your wrist as you come up so that your little finger turns towards your body. Remember to squeeze at the peak of your rep.
  • Arnold Dumbbell Curls: Start with knuckles facing forward. Curl the weight by crossing it in front of your body in a semi-circular motion. Your palm should face in towards your body.
For Outer Bicep Mass:

  • Close Grip Barbell Curls: Hold barbell with hands about 12 inches apart. Curl bar until your forearms touch your biceps. Do not use momentum to lift the weight, only your biceps.
For Inner Bicep Mass:

  • Hammer Curls
  • Alternate Dumbbell Curls
  • Standing Barbell Curls
  • Incline Dumbell Curls (done on an incline bench)
  • Wide-grip Preacher Curls (done on preacher curl bench)
Triceps:Overall Mass:
  • Bench Dips
  • Weighted Bench Dips
  • Lying Tricep Extensions
  • Close-grip barbell presses: Like a regular bench press but with hands centered in front of you only 12 inches apart.
Upper Tricep Mass:

  • Cable Pressdowns
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Kneeling Extensions: Place a bench in front of a high pulley machine. Kneel down with elbows on bench and head down. Hold straight bar attachment above head with plams facing forward. Start with forearms and biceps touching and press away form your body in a semicircular motion.
Lower Tricep Mass:

  • Weighted Dips
  • Partial Bench Dips: Dip all teh way down but only come up 3/4 of the way to keep stress on the lower triceps under stress.
Forearms:Upper Forearms:

  • Barbell Reverse Curls: A barbell curl with palm facing down instead of up.
  • Hammer Curls
  • Reverse Wrist Curls: Regular Curls with palm facing down instead of up.
Inner Forearms:

  • Barbell Wrist Curls: Barbell curl curling only at the wrists.
  • Behind the Back Wrist Curls

The Workouts

Basic Arm WorkoutThe basic workout will lay the foundation for building arm mass, which will help you in undertaking Arnold's Advanced Arm Workout.You can train on this routine once a week, and it will take you about 30 minutes to complete. Pay close attention to your form and make note of any weak points to work on.

  • Barbell cheat curls - 2 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbell Curls - 3 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Concentration Curls - 2 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Close-grip Barbell Presses - 3 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Weighted Dips - 3 sets, 8-10 reps
  • Regular Cable Press-downs - 3 sets, 8-10 reps
  • Barbell Reverse Curls - 3 sets, 8-10 reps
  • Barbell Wrist Curls - 3 sets, 8-12 reps
Once you feel comfortable performing this routine you can move on to the advanced workout below.

Arnold's Advanced WorkoutPerform this workout once a week. It will take you about 30 minutes depending on your need for rests. The advanced workout focuses on building further muscle while while targeting muscle separation.

This is an actual workout performed by Arnold during the 70's and due to the intensity of this workout, should be performed alone. Arnold suggests doing the forearm workout on a separate day to concentrate on this stubborn muscle group.

Forearms can be incorporated into this arm workout, but never before bicep and tricep work.

Forearm Workout:

  • Barbell Wrist Curls - 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Barbell Reverse Curls - 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Behind the Back Wrist Curls - 4 sets, 8-12 reps
Bicep and Tricep Workout:
  • Superset one: Barbell curls with lying tricep extensions. 4 sets of 10-12 reps for each superset, with no or very minimal rest.
  • Superset two: Alternate Dumbbell Curls with pushdowns. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • Superset three: Seated incline curls with kneeling tricep extentions. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.Superset four: Concentration curls with one-arm tricep extension. 4-10 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Bench dips: 2 sets, 26 reps.References: Bodybuilding.com

    There you have it. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Best Arm Exercises for building muscle mass. If you train as intensely as Arnold did, then you will have amazing forearms, triceps, and biceps to show off.

Well developed deltoids and trapezius muscles give a bodybuilder the broad-shouldered look. Shoulders are largely responsible for the much sought after "V-tapered look."

The trapezius (traps) muscle is made-up of three separate regions. The upper portion of the trapezius is mainly responsible for shrugging your shoulders. The middle and lower regions are used during rowing type movements. Well developed traps help to counterbalance the chest and front (anterior) deltoids. This helps to improve posture and reduce the risk of injury

Here are are some exercises designed to target your traps. You should incorporate these in your shoulder and back workouts. Do 1-2 warm up sets for each exercise and then do 2-3 heavy sets. Do 8-12 reps per set and really focus on feeling the muscles stretch and contract with each rep.

Barbell Shrugs

This exercise is excellent for working the traps. Secondary stress is placed on the forearms from gripping the weights.

Grip a barbell shoulder width apart. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the barbell at arms length in front of you.

Keep your arms straight during the entire movement. Sag your shoulders downward as far as you can. You will feel your traps stretch, hold this position for a second. Shrug your shoulders upward and squeeze your traps at the top. Hold this position for a second. Repeat.

Cable Upright Rows

This is a good exercise for working the muscles of your shoulder girdle. Primary muscles are the traps and the deltoids. Secondary muscles are the biceps, brachialis, and the forearms.

From a low pulley cable hold a rope or handle attachement. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your elbows above your hands at all times. Pull the cable directly up from the starting position until your elbows are shoulder height. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction, then lower to the starting position. Repeat.

This exercise can also be done with a barbell or dumbbells. However, I personally find using a rope attachment from a low pulley much more comfortable on the wrists, elbows, and shoulder joints.

Bent Lateral Raises (also known as "Reverse Dumbbell Flyes")

This exercise works the rear (posterior) deltoids and the middle traps. Secondary stress is applied to the forearms.

Grab 2 dumbbells. Bend over at the waist with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep a slight bend in the knees to prevent stain on the lower back. Hold the dumbbells at arms length in front of you with the palms of your hands facing each other. Keep a slight bend in your elbows.

Using your upper back strength, slowly raise the dumbbells to the back and upwards in a semicircular arc as far as you can. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the rear deltoids. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat.

Tips - to really isolate your deltoids you can do this exercise lying face down on a high exercise bench. This will eliminate any body motion.

Face Pulls

This exercise is excellent for building up the trapezius and upper back muscles.
On a cable pully machine use a rope attachment. Pull the rope towards your face with your elbows held high. You can use either an overhand or underhand grip. Contract your upper back and rear delt muscles by squeezing your shoulder blades together while keeping your chest held high.

Hise Shrugs

This exercise is excellent for building up the trapezius and upper back muscles.

Shoulder a barbell, just like you were going to do a set of squats. Keep your legs straight during the entire exercise. Simply shrug or hunch your shoulders up. You will feel your traps contract hard, hold this position for a second. Then relax your shoulders for a second, then repeat.
Back Muscle Anatomy

There are three primary muscles groups in the back - the trapezius muscles in the upper back, the latissimus dorsi muscles in the mid-back, and the erector spinae muscles in the lower back.

There are several other smaller muscles in the back, all of which will be developed by performing exercises that work the three main back muscles.

The latissimus dorsi (also known as the "lats"), lie across the middle section of the back on each side. This muscle group when well developed gives the upper body that V shape. The lats originates from attachments along the spine and inserts with a large tendon to the humerus (upper arm bone) on each side of the body.

The erector spinae muscles of the lower back are like two thick columns of muscle on either side of your spinal column. The spinal erectors run from the base of your pelvis to almost the full length of your spine. However, they are most easily visible from the middle to the lower back.

Back Exercises

It is essential that when you do any exercise that you perform the movements correctly, if you don't you will receive less then optimum benefit from the exercise. It is very difficult to unlearn bad exercise habits, so it is best to learn the right exercise technique from the very start.

Tip - You can fully contract the lats only when you arch your back. When training your lats, arch your back in the fully contracted position of each lat exercise to maximize the peach contraction and get full lat development.

For each back workout pick 3-4 of these exercises and do 4 sets for each exercise. You can vary the exercises you do for each back workout.


This is one of the best power building exercises that you can do. Deadlifts work the spinal erectors, quadriceps, buttocks, hips, forearms, trapezius, lats, and abdominals.

Stand in front of a barbell with your shins very close to the bar. Feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar with your hands slightly wider then shoulder width. Keeping your arms straight, bend your legs and flatten your back. Position yourself so it is like you are doing a squat with the barbell at arms length in front of you. Pull the barbell off the floor by straightening your legs and torso until your body is completely erect. Pull your shoulders back. Then lower the bar back to the floor. Repeat.


This exercise is great for working the spinal erectors, buttock, and hamstrings.

Stand in the middle of the hyperextension station. Facing toward the large flat pad, lean forward until your upper thighs are placed on the pad. With your legs straight place your feet under the smaller pad.

When in position, lower your upper body at the waist until it is perpendicular to the floor. Then lift your upper body back to the starting position. At the top of the movement hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Repeat.

Tips - If you want to add resistance to the exercise you can hold a weight plate to your chest.

Bent Barbell Rows

This is a basic back exercise that works the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, biceps, and the forearms.

Bend over at the waist and grab a barbell with your hands placed shoulder width apart. Keep a slight bend in the knees. Lift the bar with your arms straight. Keep your upper body at a 45-degree angle to the floor and arch your back. Moving just your arms row the barbell into your stomach. Hold this position and squeeze your back muscles for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Lower the bar until your arms are straight, but do not let the barbell touch the floor in between each rep. Keep the tension on the muscles. Repeat.

Tips - For variety you can use an underhand grip (i.e. palms of the hands facing forward) this will work the lower lats more. You can also do this exercise with dumbbells or a low cable pulley.

1 Arm Dumbbell Row

This exercise works the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, biceps, and the forearms

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Kneel on a flat exercise bench with one knee, you other foot placed on the floor beside the bench. Support your upper body by placing your hand on the end of the bench. With your other hand grab a dumbbell. Keep your back flat and let the dumbbell hang down at arms length. Keeping your elbow close to your side, pull the dumbbell directly upwards until it touches the side of your torso. Squeeze your back muscles for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same for your other arm.

T-Bar Rows

This exercise works the lats, spinal erectors, traps, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearms.

Stand with your legs on each side of the T-bar. Grab the handle with both hands. Slightly bend your knees to take the stress off the lower back. Keep your upper body at a 45-degree angle with the floor. Let your arms hang down in front. Use your lats and arm strength to pull the T-bar up and row it into your abdomen. Arch your back and squeeze your lats together to maximize the peak contraction in the back muscles. Lower the T-bar back to the starting position. Repeat.

Tip - for variety you can do this exercise with a reverse grip to hit the back muscles from a different angle.

Seated Pulley Rows

This exercise is good for working the latissimus dorsi, spinal erectors, trapezius, biceps, and forearms.

Attach a narrow handle to a low cable pulley. Sit in front of the machine and grab the handle with both hands. Brace your feet and keep your knees slightly bent. Lean forward and straighten your arms to stretch your lats completely. Hold this stretched position for a second. Then pull the handle into your stomach and sit up straight. Arch your back and squeeze your back muscles, hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Repeat.

Tip - you can use different handles and grips to work the back muscles from different angles. (i.e. overhand grip, underhand grip, etc.)

Lat Pulldowns

The lat pulldown works the lats, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearms. 

Attach a straight bar to a high pulley. Grab the bar a bit wider then shoulder width. Sit down at the machine and place your knees under the knee pad. Straighten your arms and let your lats stretch. Hold this position for a second. Arch your back and pull the bar down in front, try to touch the bar to your chest. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Straighten your arms to the starting position. Repeat.

Tips - you can vary your grip to work your back from different angles. (i.e. wide grip, narrow grip, overhand, underhand, etc.)

Chin Ups / Pull Ups

The chin up works that same muscles as the lat pulldown (i.e. the lats, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearms). Chin ups are an advanced exercise because you have to be able to lift your entire bodyweight.

Grab a chin up bar with your hands a bit wider then shoulder width apart. Bend your legs so that your body is hanging from the chin up bar. Straighten your arms and let your lats stretch. Hold this position for a second. Arch your back slightly and pull yourself up to the bar until your chin is over the bar. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat.

Tips - you can vary your grip to work your back from different angles. (i.e. wide grip, narrow grip, overhand, underhand, etc.).

Good Mornings

This exercise works the spinal erectors, buttocks, and hamstrings.
Use a rack such as a squat or power rack to hold the barbell. Place your feet shoulder width apart under the bar. Grasp the bar just wider then shoulder width, duck your head under the bar and position it on your trapezius muscles behind your neck. Lift the bar from the rack and take a few steps back. Position your feet shoulder width apart with your toes pointed just slightly out to the sides. Look forward and keep your head up. Keep a slight bend in the knees and slowly lower your upper body until it is a little lower then a 45-degree angle with the floor. Then slowly lift your upper body back up to the starting position. Repeat.

Tip - use very light weights when starting out with this exercise and build up gradually, because it places a lot of stress on the lower back.

To "destroy the shoulder within 15 minutes", please refer to deal with cables (cross cable machine). Start with the rear deltoids, then switch to the middle, and end of the front deltoids. This sequence is deliberate, because the majority of people back side behind in development, while the front side as the strongest of the three due to activation of thrust in the days when you train chest.

Performance shall be in a circle, moving from exercise to exercise without a break between sets.

This training is based on reverse pyramidal system where, after a series of warm-up, starting with the highest weight then reducing weight by about 10 to 20% on each subsequent series.


Standing around flying 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Standing flight (with cable behind your back) 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Standing flying through the rope 4 15, 8, 10, 12

Do the exercises in the round with no breaks between sets, in between rounds rest are 30 to 60 seconds. After a series of warm-start with the hardest difficulty, and then each subsequent diminish the weight.

Standing flying backwards

Start: stand in the middle of the crossover device. Start with arms crossed in front of you in the height of your shoulder, holding the right cable in the left arm and left to right.

Movement: using the rear drag deltoidi with elbows out and back as possible and then return to the original poziija.

Standing flight (with cable behind your back)

Start: grasp the power behind your back instead of forward, in order to eliminate fraud. Stepped one step forward so that the cable no problem to move behind you.

Movement: hold the torso upright also arm lift lever towards nadvol until it reaches the level (horizontal) on your shoulder. Replace the same time in the initial position.

Standing flying with the help of a rope

Start: stand so the ropea will be right behind you, and the cable will pass under your feet. Take the rope with neutral grip (palms to look to each other).

Movement: a slow motion, lift the rope in front of you, holding hands throughout the performance.

Standing one handed lifting

Use this one handed variation on one deltoid lift if you are more advanced than the other - this way the stronger side can not compensate the weaker and rises higher burden.

Let's start first by explaining the anatomy of the chest. Not at all difficult, and not much to describe. Once you understand how breast built, will be much easier to visualize and create your training programs for the city.

Chest are composed of two muscles:

Pectorials major and pectorials minor.

Chest associated with the upper arm where the shoulder joint. They then continue forward, and come from the sternum. Pectorials Major is connected to the front of the body, chest. Pectorials Minor lies just below pectorials major. He comes from the ribs and connects with the "scapula".

Pectorials major drives elbows's body, while pectorials minor moves shoulders forward. This mutual movement, describes how the movement works in the performing horse-press exercise.

As mentioned, when you understand how breast function, it is easier to visualize how muscle fibers contract at each iteration and series. When you have a good mind-muscle connection, you get more from each repetition. Many people put great weight that can not control and end up
Different parts of the chest muscles

When exercising the chest, you have 3 parts that need to shoot properly with different exercises, upper, middle and lower chest.

Upper chest is usually the least developed part of most vezhbachi. The best exercise to hit this part of the chest is thrust rod with hair bench. For this exercise you can adjust the bench according to your needs, and how you feel works best for you. Most vezhbachi sets the position angle of 45 degrees, but it is best to try several angles and see which works best for you. If you feel the exercise more towards the middle of the chest, then the angle is too small and you feel like exercise to practice on a flat bench. Conversely, if you feel the exercise more on your shoulders, then the angle is too high and should decrease.

Middle of the chest is the most famous pogoduvan with exercise builds horse-Press. Almost all vezhbachi, whether beginners or the advanced level, do this exercise (unless you are injured, you are able to work or do not know why you're in the gym). Many in the gym trying to impresiraat other using heavy weights on this exercise, and nearly half of them perform the exercise incorrectly, leading to serious injuries. One of the most famous sentences in each gym is next - "How to raise your horse?". Usually this question is posed by the side of those above who improperly conducted the exercise. It is important to note - No matter how the horse-pulls news, leave your ego at the door in the gym; koncentirajte get it to feel the exercise using proper form. Another good exercise that hits the middle of the chest, rather than using weight, sklekovite. They are a great choice if you can not train in the gym or want to heat or tires.

The lower part of chest najzapostavuvaniot chest. When you view one of the best developed city in bodybuilding, what you notice is that the upper and the lower part of breast evenly developed and completed. If at any vezhbach development of the lower chest is lagging, you will notice density in the upper part, but the part below the middle of the chest they are flat and have it zaoblenost in the lower part. Using exercises such as counter-haired bench, and the collapse of the loom will help you develop lower chest.

Exercises for the chest

Streight bench press

Benchpress with dumbbels

Incline Bench press

Incline bench with dumbbels

Decline benchpress

Decline bench press with dumbbels

Flying with one handed dumbbells on a flat bench

Flying with one handed dumbbell incline bench

Flying with the dumbbells  on decline Bench

Streight bench press Smith machine

incline bench press Smith machine

decline bench press Smith machine

Peck Deck

Yield with cables machine

Push-ups with its own weight

Push-ups with added weight

Dips with its own weight

Dips With adding weight


Training programs for building to building muscle mass

Training # 1

1 .Incline Bench press - 3 series, 8 to 12 repetitions (P)

2.Streight bench press - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

3.Decline bench press - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

The fourth Flying a one handed dumbbell Incline bench  - 3 series, 15 P

The fifth Flying with the dumbbells handed a straight bench - 3 series, 15 P

Training # 2

1 .Incline with a one handed dumbbells - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

The second Streight bench with dumbbels, 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

The third decline bench with dummbels - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

The fourth Yield with cables machine - 3 series, 15 P

Training # 3

Incline bench with dumbbels - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

Streight bench with dummbels - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

Dips with its own weight - 3 series, 8 to 12 P.

The fourth Flying a one handed dumbbell Incline bench  - 3 series, 15 P

Training # 4 (training its own weight)

First Push-ups with their own weight stability ball - 5 series, 8 to 12 P.

The second Push-ups with their own weight - 5 series, 8 to 12 P.

The third Dips with its own weight - 5 series, 8 to 12 P.

Training # 5 (Training Smith Machine)

1. Incliner bench Smith machine - 5 series, 8 to 12 P.

The second Streigth  Bench - 5 Series, 8 to 12 P.

The third decline bench - 5 Series, 8 to 12 P.


The important thing is to focus on your muscle-mind connection. You can feel each repetition as your chest muscles working. If you feel the exercise, then you probably do not perform properly or use a weight that is too large for you and you can not control.

Make sure you strike any part of the chest equally (unless you have a chest which you behind in comparison with other parts, and need more to work on that part). Focus mostly on movements thrust for your upper, middle and lower chest. Then turn movements shaping as flight handed dumbbells to complete your training chest.


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    May 2012


    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Ronnie Coleman
    Workout Routine

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