Your immune system depends on your eating habits. If you do not eat properly, you risk being the victim of all illnesses and colds. Every organism has a daily need of vitamins and minerals for normal functioning.
We are sure you already know this, but with you there is a problem of not having enough time. Whatever you want, you can always enjoy fresh and healthy meal. Fast food has become part of your everyday.

The consequences of this terrible, constant fatigue, lack of energy, and other serious difficulties of the organism. All of this is due to lack of certain vitamins and minerals. The shortage must upgrade to finished supplements.
Lack of calcium causes osteoporosis, lack of iron causes anemia, lack of zinc causes a weakening of vision, lack of magnesium affects the heart. Sufficiently clear your addiction health of vitamins and minerals.

But here there are rules. It does not mean that if vitamins are healthy for the body can take in unlimited quantities. Excessive intake of vitamins can upset the natural balance of nutrients.

Some vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K can be toxic. This should especially be alert pregnant women and people who receive regular treatments. That means the finished supplements are recommended, but the daily dose bet is to determine physician.When you feel tired, irritable, no appetite, you are spinning you on your hand to drink vitamin C and B. Immunity weakens or body prepares get cold. Then clearly you have a lack of vitamins. Certainly do not forget the fruits and vegetables, because still the best thing is natural !!!

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    May 2012

