Sports supplements can be shiny accessory for your efforts. Not only that proper use of supplements will need to provide sufficient nutrients (nutrients), but will give additional impetus for development in terms of strength, muscle growth, rapid convalescent and prevention of injuries.

As you know or have heard, there are many supplements, and also many producers.Skilled know what to take and how to supplement what they lack, however, you as a beginner is not easy to choose and accurately determine what it is that you need because many of these products first and listen .

What works? What of it is pretentious? What is a marketing ploy? Which product to choose? To get more expensive or cheaper product?

Any question you ask yourself a good question, do not forget it. In time you will discover that what serves but to start from what you really need. As a beginner, there are only two products that you may have. In a perfect world you would not have been necessary, but because you are in the real world, it is very difficult to enter but just through diet.

Talking about two fundamental bodybuilding supplements: multivitamin / minerals and protein, 

Multivitamins / minerals

This is the basic and most important supplements in your arsenal. Your body needs a full day supply of vitamins and minerals in order to function optimally. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of these valuables, but you should be aware that cooking, fry, bake or any heating of the food, a large amount of vitamins and minerals Easy-destroyed. Therefore you need in Supplementary loved.

Vitamins and mineral supplements can be found in the form of liquid, tablets and capsules. In what form will take, depends only on you, but be careful when it comes to tablets. Some tablets are so hard they can not be fully broken down 100% before you leave the body metabolism. It is wise to test the hot vinegar of 30 or more minutes. If it melts or is already melted, it is good. but if it is still hard, then heve been tricked for that purchase.

There are over a hundred if not over a thousand brands of multivitamins and minerals. Opt for those decent prices from solid companies.

You will find that manufacturers sometimes do not match the composition of their products, but not bother about it. Take your vitamins and minerals for breakfast to make sure that you have not forgotten.

Protein supplements

The main purpose of the protein supply is providing the building material of your muscles. As we note earlier, the muscle tissue needs protein for convalescent and growth, so your diet must be in accordance with stated. However, sometimes is very difficult to allow sufficient protein intake.

Actually here to help and solution occurring protein supplements. The best known form of protein supplement comes in powder that just put in shaker, water or milk and mix. There is a simpler form, the protein plaques (Do not mix with chocolate tiles) packed with protein. Somewhere they can find and protein-fortified pasta, but for now will keep the protein powder.

There are three basic protein powder, and which ones you choose depends on your current physical situation. Over the years proceeded and their definitions so here are a few of them:

- Gainers

Powder that through protein will find ton of carbohydrates. Very fat and suitable for natural remedy to people who have trouble getting the pounds.

- Alternate protein meal:

Relatively well balanced with respect to protein and carbohydrates with moderate amounts of calories. Appropriate product when you need input from protein, and do not have time to eat.

- Pure protein drinks, powders so called:

With little or no carbohydrates, the rest is just protein. Low fat, 40 g contains 200 calories or less, making it the perfect choice for natural charging people who need to keep a low caloric intake, but to get the required amount protein

If you are poor person can not bring enough calories through diet, then buy a gainer and try to enter between meals. As it title implies, protein meal substitutes are appropriate for times when you need nutrients and do not have time To prepare food.

And last but not least, the pure protein powders can serve as a supplement for breakfast to supplement the needs of protein meal, they are also an integral part of the meal after training, and can be used as a meal before bedtime when the body needs additional impetus and material for growth. Can also be used at any time during the day when the muscles need an influx of nutrients.

Regardless of which of these proteins will buy it, do not they afford to replace the real, big meal. Supplements are just supplements, your source of nutrients should always be food, healthy food!

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    May 2012

