The key to achieving success, and in every field of life, and in bodybuilding is the regularity and persistence, that day to do everything in your ability to achieve desired results. If you are committed to serious training and your diet supplies the body with necessary nutrients and the necessary amount of calories, then you are in a position to get the most out of your supplementation regime. Bodybuilders often find that the key to success in this discipline is supplementation, but the absence of one of the above elements, but in fact they are wrong. The best way to bodybuilding success is to first take care of training and diet, and then browse supplementation programs and to apply the limit measure.

When your plan for supplementation will iplementirate with commitment, you get a lot more than you imagined. Read this list of things to do when your bodybuilding activities and apply one, several or all of our recommendations. You may be surprised at how much better you will develop your muscles when you are committed to bodybuilding program.
1 ° How to start the day

Immediately when you become a morning Drink a protein shake. Nighttime sleep about eight hours to prevent you supplied the body with amino acids that are necessary for muscle growth and other bodily processes. Although sleep allows growth and recovery of your body, it is a catabolic state in which the body decomposes muscle to get the necessary amino acids and turn them into energy. Whey protein is quickly digested and your body will give the necessary amino acids for strength and growth. It will also prevent your body to decompose the muscle to get these amino acids. Encourage and start the growth of muscle since the start of the day, taking a protein shake, even before a shower and wash your teeth.

Mix January whey with water so that it is faster to cook. In this time of day to avoid eating fat, complex carbohydrates and fiber because they will slow down the digestive process and impede the absorption of protein, and it will work in the opposite direction towards achieving your goal.


Take 30 to 50 grams of whey protein was only after the morning awakening.

2 ° Increase gains with multivitamin and multimineral

Twenty minutes later after you have a shower and ready for the official start of the day. Time for breakfast. The consumption of protein shake you gave your body an instant start your metabolism so that you only need to do is to consume a meal that will include foods that are digested slowly. Have a breakfast  meal containing protein (eggs and meat) and complex carbohydrates (such as oats or toast bread with whole grains). Certainly, in this period beneficial one or two pieces of fruit. Fructose in fruit will directly complement the reserves of glycogen in the liver and thus the "off" catabolic condition in the body and help you quickly switch into a state of anabolism. Moreover, take a multivitamin or multimineral tablet or packaging. We recommend packing because it allows appropriate dosage of nutrients. Consumption of mulitvitamin / multimineral is useful for two reasons: first, it is easier to digest food and absorb nutrients and secondly, it supplies the body with nutrients from the very beginning of the day and they can support the growth of muscle and increase body immunity.


Have a breakfast meal composed of protein, fruits and complex carbohydrates, and taking multivitamin / multimineral.

3 ° Do not forget the fiber

With your breakfast you can consume and fiber. Fibers provide many benefits to bodybuilding, including the digestive progress and absorption of nutrients and amino acids. Also, fibers slow down digestion, thus helping the body to process protein more slowly so you can get better results. Not necessarily consume fiber during breakfast, but if they do, will help to slow down the release of amino acids and thus they will remain available to the body until the next meal. However, fiber should be consumed when eating a meal or protein shake before bed if you want to get the maximum effects of the release of amino acids. To increase your intake of fiber, take another dose supplementation of fiber before going to bed. It will not only increase the whole dietary fiber in your body, but will slow the digestion of protein suplements. It will help retention of circulating amino acids during the night, protecting it from decomposition difficult shaped muscle mass.


Consume about 3 grams of fiber during breakfast and another 3 grams with or before the last protein shake a day.
4 ° Do not forget the caffeine

Caffeine is one of the primary and most effective sports supplements. In this regard, it is not surprising that it is also one of the best bodybuilding supplements. Caffeine is a great option, no matter in what stage of the process bodybuilging are. Great for muscle growth because it helps increase the intensity and focus of the exercises. Also useful is when you want to lose weight because it helps in the removal of body fat from your body, using them as energy. Of course, an overdose of caffeine can keep you  nervous and you sleapless. For best results, consume caffeine once or twice during the day, and preferably to do so early in the day.


Daily drink one or two cups of coffee or take 200 to 400 milligrams in the form of supplements, especially before exercise. To combat fatigue, take 200 milligrams if necessary, and the weakening, consume 100-300 milligrams every four hours.

5 ° Increase muscle with creatine

Benefits of creatine are already well known. Taking creatine before and after exercise can provide many benefits bodybuilding. Creatine can help to transport water in the muscles, helping them to be stronger. When exercising with greater weight and more repetitions to stimulate muscle growth. After training, creatine can help transport nutrients to the muscles to facilitate their recovery. Moreover, recent studies show that creatine provides antioxidant protection and may increase the benefits of cardio workout. So, many reasons, creatine is the number one bodybuilding supplement.


Take 2-3 grams of creatine with whey protein shake before workout and take 2-3 grams of creatine (a total of about 5 grams per day) with a protein shake afterwards.
6 ° Increase muscle with glutamine

Besides creatine and glutamine is one of the best bodybuilding supplements that are marketed. Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the body and as such are used in numerous bodily processes. In addition, glutamine provides the following benefits for bodybuilders: improves digestion, increases immunity and helps recovery. Glutamine also provides power. In addition, he participates in the production of bicarbonats representing buffers fatigue and chemicals that are formed during intense training. Also, glutamine helps the muscles to be equipped with glycogen after exercise. These reasons are enough to make supplementation with glutamine very important before and after training. Your body can be supplied with this amino acid and other amino acids in the body, but to do it, you should use the reserves, while  decomposes  muscle  mass. Suplementation with glutamine will give your body what it needs, without having to decompose the muscles that are exercised very difficult to define.


Take 5-10 grams of glutamine before workout and an equal amount after exercise. Add glutamine and protein shakes or drink it with water in any part of the day. Carefully make the dosing and hold the daily consumption to 40 grams of glutamine.

7 °  whey and workout

One of the things that is best for your body before and after workout protein shake is whey. Training is time of day in which bodybuilders have the greatest demand for nutrients in the body, and protein shake whey helps the formation of muscle mass. If you drink a protein shake before workout, it will not adversely affect the exercise because they are easily digested. It will also provide the body's amino acids for faster recovery and greater muscle growth. Proteins (along with the creatine which will take in that period) will be transported to your muscles and help to restore glycogen reserves that were consumed during exercise.


Before Workout Drink 20 to 40 grams of protein shake with 40 to 80 grams simple carbohydrates and drink the same amount after a workout. The shake can add glutamine and creatine.

8 ° Increase consumption of antioxidants

When you have an intensive training or when you put your body under another kind of effort, create damaging free radicals. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E can fight against free radicals and continue the growth of muscles. Through previously explained consuming mulitvitamins probably already be supplied with these essential nutrients, but the second dose during the day is a great way to ensure the availability of vitamins on the benefits of bodybuilding. So, turn another dose of these antioxidants during dinner (or a protein shake after a workout), because they best when taken in combination with calories.


Consume 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 400 milligrams of vitamin E with dinner or a protein shake after a workout.
9 ° Do not forget the zinc and magnesium

Bodybuilders and other athletes deficient in zinc and magnesium in the body. Intense training increases the body of these minerals. In addition, minerals are lost during sweating, thus making an even greater disadvantage. The additional consumption of zinc and magnesium can reduce the effects of intense training and can increase the level of anabolic hormones including free testosterone and growth hormone. Levels of these hormones can also be reduced with intensive training. Zinc and magnesium improves quality of sleep. Keep in mind that zinc and magnesium are best taken on  an empty stomach, especially in the absence of calcium. So, if you need additional consumption of zinc and magnesium, you can get along with protein shake, but you'll have better results if you take half an hour before drinking a protein shake.


Supplementation with zinc and magnesium enforce it on an empty stomach, half an hour before the last protein shake a day.

10 ° Casein

Just like whey and casein is a protein that is part of milk protein, but unlike whey, it is digested slowly. Consume protein that rapidly digested before and after the workout and when you wake up in the morning, but at all other times of the day, eat proteins that are digested slowly. Probably the most important period for taking a protein that is slow to digest before bedtime because you ahead eight or more hours sleep, which normally would not eat. The longer you keep the acids in your blood, the less likely the body will reach for muscle mass and will decompose to supply the necessary amino acids. Caesino can be consumed as a meal replacement when you are not able to eat a normal meal, but in any case should not supplied your body with proteins that are digested slowly and provide a stable level of amino acids.


Take 30 to 50 grams of protein kaesin with or without carbohydrates before bedtime to sleep. Those who try to remove body fat should avoid carbohydrates, unlike those who want to increase muscle mass, which should consume carbohydrates, up to 50 grams.

Follow these recommendations for the time when you need to apply supplementation and exercise intensity and progress in the growth of muscle mass is guaranteed on a daily basis!

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    May 2012

