What is the reason why did not decrease body weight?

Many have set out the notion that eating so-called junkfood automatically turns into fat. It is not true. Most calorie intake generally entered during the day causes weight gain and fat deposition, but not individual foods. There are many people who do not just feed a quality food, but still bring a greater number of calories from their daily needs (quantitatively speaking), and finally still remain 'weak' and slender.

People will always be confused about this paradox until you realize that actually attenuation and reduction of body fat is achieved through the equation entered calories VS consumed calories.

There are large differences in metabolism from one individual, and yes - some people need fewer calories to maintain their body weight, especially among women and smaller people.

However, many do not understand what it actually means "metabolism", so they mix daily caloric needs with genetics.

Here's a common perception of people about metabolism:

Good genetics = fast metabolism

Bad genetics metabolism = slow

The truth is, the difference in basal metabolism between two individuals of the same body weight and composition is very small.
Fast or high metabolism means that an individual consumes a lot of calories every day, at rest and / or inclusion of the full daily activity. When you say you have a slow metabolism, it merely pointed out that they spend a lot of calories.

We all have different energy needs and those needs often unaffected by body size and activity, not genetics.

This is the reality of metabolism:

Bigger individual = faster metabolism

Smaller individual = slower metabolism

Active individual = faster metabolism

Passive personality = slower metabolism

Women's individual, which is larger and more active, you can spend up to 2,500 calories per day and less and less active individual can burn 1,900 calories a day. Male individual who is more active and can spend up to 3,200 calories a day, while smaller and less active indivudua can burn up to 2,500 calories a day.

The important thing to know is that individuals with higher consumption of calories is primarily because he / she is bigger / and has more muscle mass and is more active and not "blessed" with a fast metabolism.

But what about genetics? Did some people are born with faster or slower metabolism?

That is true. But from how you customize a weight / size, the gap between basal metabolism and genetics is very small. If you take two individuals with identical weight, clean muscle mass and activity level, you will see that they have approximately the same basal metabolism and the same consumption of calories.

Researchers suggest that there are many small differences in basal metabolism from individual to individual, and many studies suggest that inter-individual variations in basal metabolic rate is only 3-8%.

Although the same physical profile, and activity level, two female individuals may have these differences:

A female individual has a BM from 1,475 calories a day (with a consumption of 2200 calories)

Women's individual B has a BM from just 1,350 calories a day (with a consumption of 2,000 calories)

True would be if we say that individual B has a slower metabolism, relatively speaking. But if this is the only reason by which that person would be obese or it would be a barrier to reduce body fat and weight? Absolutely not - there is very little difference in metabolism between the two women who are similar or the same body profile.

If the genetic difference in metabolism is so small and slow metabolism is the key problem, then why is it so difficult for some individuals to reduce weight and fat?

Well, that question can be answered, should not be considered complete life style of the individual and its habits, and how it affects the needs for energy. A complete answer would be great. This includes full `behavior 'and the psychology of personality, and is slightly more complicated than just imported and consumed calories throughout the day. However, it starts with a simple mathematical calculation.

Many wrong with that you have no idea how to adjust the diet for their physical profile and type of activity, or how to properly accelerate the melting of fat or past obstacles.

(Physical) Minor female individual who consumes 1,900 calories a day or not enough time to exercise and plenty of room to make mistakes with food intake (cheating). 500 calories less put of 1,400 calories a day and it is only 0.5 kg less weight per week.

Most people are not consistent with its mode and send you entered, you can assume that the individual enters B 300-400 excess calories that are not calculated, and this purposes will be lost only 0.4 kg per week, less than it wanted (almost not noticable for some, and can easily be confused with tying subcutaneous water not showing progress on the scale).

It can be frustrating, and start to blame her metabolism, without realizing that 0.5 pounds a week is sufficient progress for woman her size. Furthermore, it can be focused only on her diet, not getting that adding weight training and cardio training can increase the consumption of hundreds of calories.

But there are right ways to speed up metabolism?

Yes, there are ways to speed up metabolism, or at least prevent its slowdown, which usually occurs due to diet. But you need to send two items - diet and physical activity. If you are trying to reduce weight only through diet, your metabolism will slow down, not accelerate.

One way to speed up metabolism is through weight training and increase pure muscle mass. However, you pretty pretty muscle to put it to really make a difference in metabolism. The best way is through the inclusion of weight training. Training speeds up metabolism for a short time after every workout, consume a lot calories, and you need weight training to keep lean muscle mass while the regime to reduce body fat.

Another way to speed up the metabolism to speed up metabolism is to increase all your daily activities: the weighting training, cardio training and add a bar a few times a week. Moreover, daily walking, recreation, working through home helps more than you can imagine. Not even think just exercise more, but less inactivity.

A third way to keep metabolism high is through diet. Extreme starvation diets can cause rapid loss of body weight, but later actually slow down metabolism, so you gradually reduce calories, not once. High protein diet is ideal because it helps preserve lean muscle mass during caloric deficit and a higher termogenetski effect. There are some foods such as hot peppers, green tea have a reputation as termogenetici. The effect is not who knows how many, so do not bother to look for magical foods.

Slow metabolism is the reason why many people are overweight. In fact, if you are overweight, have a faster metabolism than smaller and lighter people. It's good because you can reach a larger caloric deficit that means you can start to burn more fat and reduce weight faster.

Each individual has their own special'm looking for calorie intake, it is an individual thing, so do not track "diets that work for everyone." Not sporeduvajte with others (especially if you're female, do not ever compare with men). Create your own program, while choosing calories from quality food sources, and as much as you need, depending on your physical profile, gender, level of physical activity and so on. Follow your plan continuously pay attention to how many calories entering versus how many calories you spend.

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    May 2012



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