10 reasons to stop dieting!

Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to stay on a diet and lose some weight? There are many reasons why they dont work, and even more reasons to quit them. If you no longer remember the number of diets you've tried, it's time to stop it and start to employ the old and proven way to reduce weight - with training in the gym and small changes in food.

1 - Many diets do not work

The problem with many diets is that many are specific to suit our daily life. They tell you what to eat and when, but do not take into account individual responsibilities, lifestyle and things that can be provided, and required diet. Remember that reducing body weight and fit form is something that lasts a long time, and  it is a way of life.

2 - Many diets are funny

Temporary diets, such as the cabbage diet or the Hollywood diet, use starvation methods to weaken, and if you know this is totally wrong and unhealthy ways to lose weight. Diets that prohibit one or more types of food should be last on the list of diets that you need to practice because you have a lack of needed nutrients and attenuation will be only temporary. Why are you wasting time?

3 - some diets are totally insane
Not all unhealthy diets, but there are plenty of them prohibiting entire food groups can be introduced in order to reduce weight. Scientists often make confusions whether these diets are healthy or not, but you need to be very smart to realize that you need protein, carbohydrates and fats in a diet to lose weight healthy. Diets that are low in fat or calories is not healthy, and if the diet is too restrictive, not to follow.

4 - diets do not always tailored to your WAY OF LIFE

Many of us are busy and have no time to buy specific foods and counting calories as you require diets. If diets require a lot of you who can not meet, you think how long it will send it diet? You can lose weight without a special counting calories, choose foods that contain fewer calories, and include training in the gym or cardio workouts. If you need a detailed diet, select one that will fit your lifestyle.

5 - dieting makes me feel unsuccessful

Much of the diets are so complex and restrictive, almost guaranteed to neuspeete. You should realize that sudden changes in your habits overnight will not change much, it requires time. Make gradual changes and small and give yourself time to begin to place attenuation. Take yourself time to change bad habits. If you send any diet, select a portion of which will spend until it changes (for example, try to have a healthy meal in the morning, while other meals are common). Then proceed to the next section.

6 - Diets FASTER Empty your pockets

Diets for weight reduction are big business. Remember, people who sell books on weight loss have to take your money and make a big house in Beverly Hills. You think someone is concerned about your health and happiness, except you? Sun Be skeptical about books and diets that we encounter daily.

7 - Diets are temporary

Healthy lifestyle and fitness was not an option for combination with any extreme diet. Even if you send a strict diet, it will quickly give up when you start the crises of your favorite foods (and that will happen if the diet is too restrictive). This means you will lose weight, but will immediately return than when you stop the diet. Why spend time this way?

8 - diet consumes your energy

The reason for sharply reducing body weight during a diet is because of the great restriction of calories. You may think this is good, too calorie intake leads to exhaustion, lack of energy, even slowing the process of reducing weight. Your body needs energy to reduce body weight, and if you do not get enough your body will store as fat. Eat several smaller meals throughout the day to be satiated and energized.

9 - diet and given a bad reputation for FOOD

Diets often prohibit the types of food that you are loved. When something will be banned and you know that you must not eat, you become obsessed you can not just eat the food and your need is greater. Remember, no bad or good food and can eat what you want but if moderately and occasionally. (For some) Eating food is one of the most delights and you can enjoy it without guilt when you eat moderately and occasionally.


For some individuals, diet is an excellent choice if adapted to their purpose, budget and lifestyle. However, such diets are not for everyone. If you have a problem to keep a diet that does not mean that the problem is you or you are "doomed" to fail. Find other ways to spend your calories. Focus on one thing at a time, and then preogjajte to another, thus slowly but surely get used to a new and healthy lifestyle.

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    May 2012



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