Why alcohol slows down the process of FAT LOSS?

There are many factors that slow weight loss, making the process much more complicated than it really is. The body produces different hormones in response to different foods and / or drinks. The reduction of body weight is not only about consumption of calories, but intake of the right calories. Alcohol is one of the biggest reasons that violate the reduction of weight, because it makes unstable balans in caloric intake, fluid in the body and hormones that are needed to reduce weight.

Alcohol increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that creates fat !!!

Alcohol very often, or temporarily increases the secretion of cortisol - a hormone that corrupts the muscles and creates fat. Loss of muscle tissue means slowing down the metabolism, making it easier to add pounds. Alcohol affects men in a way that reduces levels of testosterone, a hormone that builds muscle mass and decrease body fat.

Alcohol also blocks the body from burning fat. Research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that the process of reducing the fat can be reduced by 73% after intake of 2 drinks containing vodka over an hour. Alcohol prevents the body draws on reserves of fat as energy. The body should be well moisturises to build muscle and melt fat. Alcohol has the capacity to throw out fluid from the body, to lead to dehydration.

OFTEN Alcohol consumption is followed by irregular meals ENTRY AND ENTRY OF "FORBIDDEN" Food

Because alcohol puts us in a merry mood, it is likely for us to reach for chips, snacks and other unhealthy foods that are Mon.-represented parties.

Alcohol is a powerful apetizer. Apetisanite offered in restaurants to stimulate appetite. Studies show a clear correlation between the amount of alcohol brought before eating and food imported, indicating that people who drink beer or wine before / while eating, imported large quantities of food. Alcohol stimulates the secretion of dopamine, a hormone of pleasure and envy, the result is usually dependent wish to make more alcohol and food. This means that a double trap for those who want to reduce weight - more calories through food, through alcohol.

ALCOHOL contains a large amount of calories!!!

Alcohol contains a high amount of calories. Easy to drink a glass of 200 ml of wine, under the same calories as you eat five teaspoons of butter. Very few people checked with a glass of alcohol, and on top of it mixed with fruit juices which also contain large amounts of sugar, making them more drinks pokalorichni.

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    May 2012



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