Surprisingly large number of men, even men who are physically active, suffer from low testosterone levels and high levels of estrogen. Stress, inactivity, smoking can lead to decreased secretion of testosterone, but eating the wrong (unhealthy food) is the number 1 enemy of testosterone.

With the help of this guide, these are 10 kinds of food with which to raise testosterone levels, which will facilitate to build greater muscle mass.

First Oysters

What's in them?

Protein, magnesium, large amounts of zinc.

Facts about them:

Besides increasing physical endurance, oysters contain more zinc than any other food, giving it almost 7 times the daily recommended intake of zinc.

The need to consume:

Eat one serving oysters once a week, live or cooked, but avoid fried.

The second CLEAN Beef

What's in it?

Protein, magnesium, iron, saturated fat.

Facts about him:

Few things containing such meat, have a share in increased secretion of testosterone. Veal contains large amounts of two key ingredients are stimulating secretion and influence positively the building of muscle mass, which is zinc and the high content of protein. Although we do not want large intake of saturated fat in our diet, because receiving unwanted excess fat requires a certain amount of secretion of testosterone.

The need to consume:

Eat several times a week clean boiled / roast beef

The third Peas

What's in it?

Facts about him:

Peas is the food that must have included in your diet. They contain more zinc than any other vegetable can even be compared with veal in that many contain zinc. Add them to meals that contain high content of protein, low in fat and have a winning combination.

The need to consume:

Cooked peas or peas from a can, is an excellent choice of consuming these vegetables once is enough. Same is the contents of nutritional values ​​in boiled and canned peas.


What's in it?

Protein and low fat.

Facts about him:

High-protein diets have a major impact in increasing muscle mass and testosterone levels. Chicken and turkey have zinc deficiency, but their ratio of protein against fat makes them necessary in any diet.

The need to consume:

Boiled or roasted chicken / beef without bones and skin, several times a week is quite enough.

The fifth EGGS

What's in them?

Protein and cholesterol.

Facts about them:

Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol, so foods containing cholesterol (in a certain amount) is a good source of building blocks for testosterone. Eggs are a source of pure, unadulterated cholesterol, and according to a recent study demonstrated that increased intake of this type of cholesterol is not at all harmful as previously thought. So do not dispose whites of eggs, contrary to consume whole eggs.

The need to consume:

Your start the day with 4-5 whole eggs cooked or prepared with a small amount of olive oil.

The sixth Low fat cottage cheese (1% milk fat)

What's in them?

Protein and low fat.

Facts about them:

One serving of cheese has greater quantities of (milk) protein as one serving of chicken or turkey meat. Eat it as a snack or meal that will increase the secretion of testosterone.

The need to consume:

Eat one portion of cheese every or every other day.

The seventh BROCCOLI

What's in them?

Indole-3-carbinol, fibridi

Facts about them:

Elevated levels of estrogen in the body can increase gaininf  fat and slow down the process of building muscle mass. In one clinical study, demonstrated that indole-3-carbinol reduces double the level of estrogen in men. Broccoli contain high percentage of Indole, an ingredient that has the capacity to reduce the level of estrogen in the body.

The need to consume:

If you can afford, eat at least daily with a meal that will be included broccoli.


What's in it?

Indole-3-carbinol, fibridi

Facts about her:

Cabbage also contains Indole-3-carbinol and other vegetables, which have numerous benifiti, but also has a high content of fibers. They are great for controlling weight. Maintaining a lower percentage of body fat has anti-estrogenic effect.

The need to consume:

You can enter daily, in addition to any other food.

The ninth Brussels sprouts

What's in it?

Indole-3-carbinol, fibers

Facts about him:

You had to obey their parents, this kind of vegetables helps to "grow big and strong." Like other vegetables, and this also helps reduce estrogen and contains a high percentage of fibridi.

The need to consume:

This can also be used in addition to any other food.

The 10th Garlic

What's in it?


Facts about him:

According to clinical studies, the active ingredients in garlic has elevated the secretion of testosterone and reduce the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that "compete" with cortisol, which reduces his actions and decomposes muscle tissue.

The need to consume:

Many avoided because of unpleasant odor, but in combination with other food decreases its odor. But most benifits obtained from him when eaten separately.

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    May 2012



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