Protein powder is a dietary supplement that is made from one or more of four basic sources ofprotein: whey, eggs, soy and rice. These concentrated sources of protein are processed into powdered form, which can be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake when mixed with water, fruit juice or milk. Protein powder also can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, mixed into other types of food or cooked into baked goods and other meals. Bodybuilders and athletes have long relied on protein powder to make sure that they get the high levels of protein needed to build up their muscles through lifting weights and exercise. Research has shown that ingesting protein powder every day also can boost immune systemhealth, facilitate the healing of wounds after surgery or injury and promote healthy skin.

Why Protein is Important

The human body needs protein daily because that is the substance from which muscles and tissues are built, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water. People who follow healthy diets get plenty of protein through the daily intake of various food combinations. Some people, however, like to supplement their protein intake with a protein powder or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Health Benefits

Protein powder is designed to be taken every day as a dietary supplement. Even for someone who isn't a bodybuilder, starting the day with a protein shake can provide nutritional benefits. Many nutritionists advise consuming protein throughout the day, but a healthy boost of proteinfirst thing in the morning can help the body stabilize its blood sugar levels throughout the rest of the day.

Recommended Dosages

Some studies have indicated that a steady amount of excess protein might be unhealthy, especially for people who have liver or kidney problems. The recommended daily dose is based on weight, age and activity levels. Athletes should consult a nutritionist who specializes in sports medicine. Others can consult a healthcare professional or check the recommendations from health agencies.


There are many brands of protein powder on the market. These products are available in a range of flavors and at various prices. People who are shopping for protein powder can find it at health food stores, many grocery chains and online.

Sometimes, even though we are committed to maximum about our diet, training and rest are going to cut off our progress, sometimes completely stop. You you need something that will again stimulate muscle growth. You need a good combination of supplements. This will be your guide to return to the old path, and again to get new muscle mass; But when and how to use?

This guide will lay the foundations of a solid program of supplements. It would be perfectly put together and explained, whether you are a beginner or advanced atlete. Let me first explain the supplements to be used, and timing when to use, and quantity as to be used.
Whey Protein

This supplement is the foundation in any combination of nutritional supplements. Easily digestable, portable and effective, whey is a must for all those wishing to obtain pure muscle mass. Protein powders are generally excellent meal replacement at times when you do not have enough time for a good meal (chicken steak, eggs, etc..), Or simply need daily protein supplement protein intake. Whey is an easy way to feed the muscle when it is needed. Regarding the time dozing, you need to know when and how most effectively to bring protein supplement. (Note - most doses refer to the individual who weighs about 90 pounds).

30 grams in the morning immediately after awakening: Your body has the nutrients received more than 8 hours while you are asleep, so it is advisable to have a protein shake as soon as you wake up in the morning in order to stop catabolic process, and again to return to the anabolic phase, building muscle mass. You need protein to enter fairly quickly, so it will not include complex carbohydrates, not fat, just protein, in combination with simple carbohydrates (sugars) and some things (by which we arrive later). Your body will thank you for the "surge" of amino acids in the blood!

30 grams before training: Again, it is necessary in the bloodstream have enough amino acids. The intake of fast-aprosrbable protein before workout, your muscles will have a steady stream of amino acids during the workout, which will ensure the process convalescent before completing your training.

40 grams after training: This is a crucial time of day for convalescent muscle and build new muscle mass. We need to bring besides proteins, carbohydrates and simple, about 2 times the intake of protein (80 grams of simple sugars (dextrose). Enter this shake no more than 30 minutes after training, along with other ingredients to make insulin jump to stimulate protein synthesis through the intake of glucose and amino acids in muscle cells

This is another well-known effective supplement. Creatine in muscle is converted into creatine phosphate, and will be used as energy for contraction during the workout creatine supplementation will ensure that the levels of stored energy in muscles is high. Also creatine will pull more water into muscle cells, providing an anabolic environment that will increase protein synthesis.

3-5 grams before training: Taken with moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates and 30 grams protein, creatine supplementation will provide the necessary energy levels during workout.

3-5 grams post-workout: Protein shake, a combination of protein, 80 grams of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and creatine will provide guaranteed convalescent and muscle growth. After the workout, your muscles have a great need for nutrients and insulin jump will ensure that creatine will end directly into your muscles.

Casein Protein

This is another excellent source of protein. Casein is a slow-digestable protein, so it will be digest and released into the bloodstream, and will continuously feed muscles over a longer period. Unlike whey, which is fast-absorbing, casein used periods between meals to ensure you are flow of amino acids into the bloodstream, or other times when you do not have time for a meal.

20 grams post-workout: whey is used as a food that instantly reached the muscle, while casein is taken despite other supplements in order to feed the muscle a little longer to provide for permanent convalescent period after training. This will satisfy the needs for protein, until you enter the full quality meal, about 1 hour after workout.

20 grams before bed / during sleep: Because it is slowly digest can use this benefit during the night while sleeping, to ensure constant feed muscles when they are needed. While you sleep, your body gets enough nutrients and may lead to catabolic phase, which is not suitable for muscle mass. 1 hour before bedtime, or 3-4 hours when you sleep, is an auspicious time to enter this protein supplement in order to ensure that you are on track to building muscle mass.


Although his acting is not as noticeable as creatine, glutamine has many "unseen," benefits. As one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, glutamine helps convalescent after training, allowing muscle cells to absorb glycogen, increases the secretion of growth hormone and maintains the immune system, helping us to stay healthy. It can also help delay fatigue during training in order to get high intensity long training period.

7-10 grams in the morning: This dose will enter along with protein shake that is mentioned above. It is worth to mention that this will be quickly absorbed, and your metabolism will again be removed from catabolic to anabolic.

7-10 grams before training: This will provide a delay fatigue and extend your intensity during your workout.

7-10 grams post-workout: introduction of glutamine after training will assist in better absorption of glycogen, and will accelerate the convalescent bringing you the anabolic phase.

7-10 grams before bed: This is another great opportunity to backup your hard gained muscle before you lie down to sleep. This dose will enter a mini-protein shake with casein, ensuring that they will not enter the catabolic phase while sleeping.

Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

Leucine, isoleucine and valine are used as energy during intense training, protecting the body to use hard-earned muscle as energy. At other times of the day, BCAA assist in protein synthesis and protect you from cortisol - katabolichkiot hormone.

5-10 grams in the morning: BCAA is another "weapon" in your arsenal of supplements that will help you keep the "evil" catabolic phase in the morning. Your body will use BCAA as energy, while protein and glutamine do not reach your muscle cells.

5-10 grams before training: introduction of BCAA before training will provide energy to your body during the workout, sparing the muscles and keeps your body in an anabolic state that is conducive to muscle growth.

5-10 grams after training: This will improve protein synthesis and suppress the secretion of catabolic cortisol hormone  which can decompose muscle and to suppress the secretion of testosterone.


Arginine in the body turns as Nitric Oxide (NO) and is a powerful supplement with numerous benifits. Provides greater flow of blood through the muscles, allowing delivery of nutrients such as amino acids and glucose and hormones such as growth hormone (HGH), testosterone, IGF - 1 and so on. It also enables delivery of water to the muscles which will increase protein synthesis, which in translation means more muscle growth.

2-3 grams morning: At this time, arginine will widen blood vessels, allowing nutrients faster to reach the muscle cells.

2-3 grams before training: This will increase the secretion of growth hormone before training.

2-3 grams before bed: This is one time a day suitable to increase the secretion of growth hormone, since only arginine can enhance this effect.

Tribulus Terrestris

This is one of most efective supplements that can stimulate increased secretion of testosterone. It also has the ability to enhance firing of nerves in the muscles increase in strength during the workout. If you need extra strength before treining, tribulus will provide it.

250-500 mg before training: Increase the secretion of testosterone before training, to have added strength.


ZMA (a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) has been shown to increase secretion of testosterone and IGF - the first Zinc has many benifits when it comes to the convalescent, and magnesium to calm and relax the nervous system allowing the body to a better holiday. The longer and better sleep, the muscles have more time to grow.

 30-60 minutes before bedtime: 30 mg Zinc, 450 mg magnesium and 11 mg vitamin B6.


Antioxidants have a role to purify the body from free radicals that are produced during periods of stress such as intense training. Excellent would supply vitamin C and vitamin E in order to better cope with damage from free radicals to maintain the body in an anabolic phase.

500 mg with a meal after training: Vitamin C may help maintain your joints and immune system.

200-400 IU vitamin E with the meal after training: Vitamin E has the ability to reduce damage in muscle cells and to facilitate the convalescent. This antioxidant is quite important for skin, nails and hair.

Omega 3 fatty acids must be inserted into the body through diet because the body does not manufacture. They are the main ingredient of cell membranes, necessary for cell regeneration and reproduction, and hormones, which raises the whole function in the body, can not be produced without them.

Because oxidative stress that accompanies the individual throughout life, the body is in the position of undisturbed selfhealing. Because it requires large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids that participate in cell reproduction and makes them resilient and functional cell membranes. When their amount is sufficient, heart and cardiovascular system is relieved and able to function normally. The lack of good fats, the body is forced to build the cells to use those bad, saturated fat.



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2012

