Lack of proper bodybuilding diet won’t give you incredible results regardless of how intense your bodybuilding training routine. I will give you several healthy ideas about how to plan a proper nutrition diet for body builders. These tips will be helping you create the right meal plan that will complement your workout efforts. To lose fat and get ripped in no time. Most bodybuilders primary thing is to keep too the basic rules of diet. 1. Eat at least 6 times a dayBodybuilders should start with regular and small meals. The best option would be eating six meals a day with 2 hours’ intervals. This helps your blood sugar levels remain stable. With this, your cravings will decrease, maximizing your energy and metabolism, therefore feeding your muscle constantly. The amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein to ingest must be in the ratio of 4:2:4, making it a dynamic way of reducing weight and building a remarkable muscular body. Though steer clear of consuming carbohydrates 3-4 hours before going to sleep.• Sufficient quality protein. The best amount of protein will be based on your protein needs. Try to multiply your total bodyweight by 1.2, the result would be the total protein grams to consume per day and divide that number by 6. And that equals to the amount of protein grams per meal. Protein sources such as lean meats like chicken, turkey, white fish such as tilapia, and whey protein powder mixed with the cream of rice are good sources of the particular mineral. • Ensure to add reasonable amount of extra calories. The correct amount of carbohydrates calculated will be based on your daily physical carbohydrate needs. Multiply your lean body mass, a Fat free bodyweight by 0.8. The result would be the total grams of carbs to consume per day, and divide that number by 3. And that equals the amount of carbohydrate grams in 1 Meal. Emphasizing fat loss, stick to low glycemic carbohydrates such as oatmeal, brown rice, grits, and sweet potatoes. • Vegetable diet. Ensure that you eat items which are high in fibrous carbs are high in fibrous carbs. It also increases the absorption of the protein you consume and it will clean your system and increases your metabolic rate. Eat vegetables like the green leafy types such as broccoli, green beans, and lettuce. You can eat as much as you want at any meal excluding post workout.• Devour essential fats. Fats are vital for muscle protection, fat loss and your general health. Try using 2 Tablespoons of Flaxseed Oil in a few meal or protein shakes except the post workout to avoid fats absorption delay of the nutrients. 2. Ensure that you drink lots of water.Hydrate yourself properly by drinking enough water as water is considered necessary for muscle building and fat loss that usually happens. Additionally it creates the feeling of fullness that aid while you’re on a diet. Your daily fluid intake must reach half of your bodyweight to prevent dehydration. Drink enough water everyday. These diet plans doesn’t mean sitting around, eating plain chicken and plain brown rice. Okay, maybe sometimes. By becoming creative with your diet, like adding spices for taste will make your diet much more tolerable.

There are certain foods that should be part of every bodybuilding diet. If you miss out on these you miss out on big gains.

Lets take a look at some foods that I feel are essential to a bodybuilding diet. Some of them are for health reasons whilst others are there for their anabolic muscle building properties.

1. Fresh milk
Milk has got to be the heart and sole of my bodybuilding diet. I attribute a lot of my gains to it. However, I don’t just drink ordinary milk from the supermarket. I really feel that a good quality raw milk from the health food store is a much better option if you are trying to get big. The proteins are still intact as the milk has not been heated.

2. Eggs
Eggs are like a powerhouse of protein and essential fats. Eggs have got a bad wrap in recent years from people who are worried about cholesterol and for this reason they reccomend you do not eat too many egg yolks. I am not sure this information is correct but it is better to err on the side of caution. One thing is for sure though; eggs are a must for any bodybuilders diet. Try and eat them raw in a protein shake with some milk and fruit. Perfect.

3. Water
If you are eating large amounts of protein you need to keep your kidneys healthy by drinking lots of water. This helps flush out a lot of the junk and makes your body’s cells function a lot better. Many bodybuilders say you should drink up to four litres a day.

4. Bananas
Although this is not a typical “bodybuilding food” I have found them to be quite special. Bananas are full of potassium as well as a whole host of other nutrients. They are probably the most beneficial fruit that exists and they should be eaten daily. Keeping your body healthy is very important.

5. Spinach and other green leaft vegetables
As more and more scientific research is done we are increasingly hearing about the benefits of green leafy vegetables. This stuff is dirt cheap to buy at a good food market and you can put it with just about everything. I have them in soup, pasta, salads, steamed vegetables, vegetable juices, etc. They are full of Vitamins A, C and contain a lot of calcium, folate and fiber. It is said that these foods also help to prevent cancer and clean out the blood. This is perhaps important for bodybuilders where a lot of lactic acid builds up in the body on a daily basis.

6. Yogurt
Again, go to the health food store and get some real yogurt – not the stuff in the supermarket that is full of sugar and salt. You might only be able to find it in its original form which tastes pretty crap in which case you can just add berries and other fruits to it. Yogurt is great for some extra protein as well as calcium and Vitamin B12. Make sure your yogurt has an active live culture strain in it as this helps your immune system fight off bacteria and can keep your body healthy during your bulking up phase where you are eating a lot of “heavy foods”.

7. Nuts
Every different type of nut is hailed by some group as being an amazing health food. They contain protein, Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, fiber, etc. The best types of nuts for your health are almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts and pistachios. Try and eat a handful of mixed nuts everyday.

8. A good whey protein powder
Many old school bodybuilder think that you do not need supplements to get big. I am not so sure. I grew when I started taking a quality whey protein powder as my post workout meal. However, the most impressive benefit about whey protein is that it is now being hailed as an amazing food for improving your immune system and increasing your body’s ability to fight disease. The brands with lots of free floating amino acids are said to be particularly good and are even being used on cancer patients.

9. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is an important bodybuilding food as it is a slow burning sustainable source of complex carbohydrates for the body. And oats are a great source of various vitamins, minerals, fibre, and protein. They’re also inexpensive when you choose the plain rolled oats – the ones that are healthiest for you!

10. Chicken Breast
The chicken breast is another super-food to include in a bodybuilding diet. The reason is that it is one of the best sources of high quality protein. A 6oz chicken breast has nearly 40 grams of protein and only 2 grams of fat. Aside from high protein content it is great tasting and can be easily prepared in a variety of ways.

Bodybuilding is not just about getting big; it is about getting healthy. Many bodybuilders get big at the expense of their health but this is not the real way to do it. Unhealthy bodybuilding is short term and stupid. Make sure your diet is balanced with important bodybuilding foods the core of your diet and not only will you grow, you will continue to grow long into the future.

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Trying to gain weight? Feel like no matter how much food you cram down your throat though there is no change on the scale? Is that scale just out to get you? Or maybe you've been blessed with genetics that have you destined for life as a skinny person?

If this is how you're feeling, you may just be a hardgainer.

Yes, you've heard it before. Why don't you just eat more? Obviously it seems so simple, but for a hardgainer, it's anything but. Gaining weight for this person is like a full-time job of force feeding. You eat, and eat, and eat, and still nothing. Frustration sets in and eventually you might lose steam.

It doesn't have to be this hard though. First, stop and make sure the following foods are in your current diet.

-meal replacement shakes (or make your own by combining protein powder, peanut butter, frozen fruit, and flax oil). Note that these are not to replace meals like their intended purpose, but to add to your already present meal schedule.

-nuts - any type will work - just make sure you are eating at least three or four handfuls a day.

-dry fruits - skip the fresh fruit right now and opt for dry instead. There is far more calories and it will feel a lot lighter in your stomach.

-chicken, lean beef, and whole eggs - you need some good quality protein in your diet and these are the best sources

-dry oats - for the hardgainer, eat them raw, like you would any other cereal

-1% or 2% milk - skip the skim right now, the extra bit of saturated fat will actually help to boost your testosterone levels

-bagels - again, bread for you is not on the menu. Bagels are far more calorie dense and will replace that lost muscle glycogen that you are so needing at this time.

-pasta - pasta is terrific for your post-post-workout meal to help give your body a slower source of carbohydrates to distribute evenly over time to the just-worked muscles

-salmon - this is a higher calorie fish that is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids - which are essential if you're trying to build muscle

-V8 juice - rather than looking to loads of vegetables for your vitamins and minerals, consider some V8 juice instead. It'll hardly put a dent in your appetite, allowing more room for other high-calorie foods.

You can have a few vegetables because getting some fiber is still important, but by no means should vegetables make up the bulk of your diet.

So, if you can't seem to get the scale moving, stop and look at this checklist. If any one of these foods is missing (apart from having an allergy), go to the grocery store and pick it up immediately. If you want to get serious weight gain happening, you need to get serious about your diet.
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    May 2012



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